It is an accepted practice to pay a deposit with your order, which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer.
The New York Times has become the biggest publisher yet to set out plans for a paywall around its digital offering, abandoning the accepted practice that internet users will not pay for news.
Giving elaborate or expensive gifts to show appreciation is an accepted practice all over the world.
It's not the first time that design has attempted to break out of the confines of accepted practice, it has happened time and time again.
It is a widely accepted practice for many Mongolian residents to deposit more RMB in recent years. For RMB is more stable and convenient than USD.
In any programming language and platform, having a set of well-though unit tests, is a commonly accepted practice in order to deliver maintainable code.
Supervision: all staff and activities should be adequately supervised by someone who understands the process and will detect deviations from accepted practice.
The underlying data from many countries are missing or unreliable, so it is accepted practice for number-crunchers to use computer modelling to fill in the blanks.
More recently, it has become an accepted practice to kiss the first person you see at the stroke of midnight to bring good luck for our life for the rest of the year.
In the world of RSS-based syndication, a generally accepted practice is to implicitly order the items in the feed in a reverse chronological order from the creation date of those items.
What concerns me are the reasons why her re-appropriation of Airen’s material must be considered plagiarism and not, as Hegemann and her defenders argue, simply an accepted practice of the times.
Risk management is a widely accepted best practice that involves identifying and analyzing risks early in a project's lifecycle.
Oppenheimer accepted Weyl's conclusion that the holes had to have the same mass as the electrons and faced the physical reality that the holes were not observed in practice.
While this is a widely accepted and useful practice, it provides late feedback.
Daily builds, like a daily exercise regimen, is typically accepted as a best practice.
It is now generally accepted that it is bad practice to use raw IP addresses when configuring service endpoints.
In places where child marriage is an accepted norm, providing parents a tangible incentive to keep their daughters in school is often the best means to prevent this harmful practice.
Continuous integration, a fully automated and reproducible build (including testing) that runs many times a day, is a well accepted development practice for traditional applications.
Being a timehonored practice since the Song Dynasty, it is so widely accepted as an artistic form that one would feel something missing if viewing a painting that bears no words.
It is never defined and accepted by the law, but in the justice practice it works as the rule of corroboration does in the foreign countries.
British and some other Common Law system countries also accepted the fraud exception in judicial practice.
British and some other Common Law system countries also accepted the fraud exception in judicial practice.