I'm thinking about accepting the offer from Backwoods Hospital.
Do you advocate accepting the offer?
Staff accepting the offer will be paid their remaining 25% salary upfront, allowing them to use it for anything from extended travel to study leave.
What is curious about this game is that, in order to punish the first player for his selfishness, the second player has deliberately made himself worse off by not accepting the offer.
But instead of accepting what is obvious to everyone else, the producers of Anonymous offer us an alternative Bard - the willowy Edward DE Vere, Earl of Oxford.
Because in between the dismal release of the U.S. September jobs report, accepting my dream job, and getting yet another job offer, I also broke up with my quasi-boyfriend.
After accepting the hairy hag's offer to help, the women watched in surprise as she repeatedly placed raw hemp fiber into her mouth and pulled out finished yarn.
Before accepting an offer, consult a salary survey or online salary calculator to make sure the package is competitive within your field.
I give you what I have: the present is hardly worth accepting; but I have nothing else to offer.
Accepting his offer, I confessed that I had never before seen a tobacco plant; family stories of Zelma were the closest I had ever come to a tobacco farm.
Submitting a positive SIR and accepting this offer of admission certifies that you understand and agree to comply with all of the conditions of this provisional admission contract.
However, the donation soon aroused concern among health experts who said accepting the group's donation was not in line with the bureau's pledge to offer a "green and smoke-free" Expo.
Before accepting an offer, make sure you have a solid grasp of the value of any bonus or incentive-pay aspects of your employment package.
Lamar Odom is leaning towards accepting an offer from the Heat, according to Yahoo! Sports.
I understand after my accepting the final offer, the Company has the right to take investigation of the above information for purposes of verification.
In concert with a cash-accepting ATM, an operator dispensing network-branded prepaid cards could offer an end-to-end transaction via the ATM rather than at a retailer's cash wrap.
In concert with a cash-accepting ATM, an operator dispensing network-branded prepaid cards could offer an end-to-end transaction via the ATM rather than at a retailer's cash wrap.