One method to satisfy the access authority on file access is to implement an access control list (ACL).
对文件访问进行访问授权的一种方法是实现访问控制列表 (ACL)。
The system realizes the access control based on ACL, support dynamic configuration and manage about department, user, group and access authority.
Ownership of files in Linux and access authority are closely related to user ids and groups, so let's review some basic user and group information.
Linux的文件所有权和访问授权是与用户id 和组密切相关的,所以我们要复习一下基本的用户和组信息。
Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access.
The purpose of this People Assignment Criteria is to grant access to users to work on tasks based on the user authority in conjunction with the underlying repository.
The authorization policies defined to the Object Authority Manager (OAM) control access based on user IDs and group membership.
ObjectAuthorityManager (oam)中定义的授权策略可以基于用户ID和组成员身份进行访问控制。
This message indicates that the bus security is enabled and WBEruntimeear is unable to access the SIBus because it does not have authority to access it.
Add the groups (s) that you use to give access to the Cognos Controller application (for example 'everyone' and 'nt AUTHORITY \ system').
选择您用于向CognosController应用程序提供访问权的组(例如“everyone”和“ntAUTHORITY \system”)。
After you submit your e-form, the user who has authority to set access control adds the second user to the Editor role in the e-form's access control.
Any operating system user can potentially access DB2; however, unless they have been granted a given DB2 authority or privilege, there is not much they can do.
任何操作系统用户都有可能访问DB2;但是,除非他们被授予给定的DB 2权限或特权,否则他们能做的事情不多。
ControllerUsers nt AUTHORITY \ NETWORK SERVICE (the account running the default application pool in which Controller's virtual directories have write access).
ControllerUsersntAUTHORITY \ NET WORKSERVICE(运行默认应用程序池的帐户,Controller的虚拟目录在该池中拥有写访问权)。
As you might know, all inbound channels run with full authority of the queue manager and thus have access to all queues.
As a best practice, change the default value of each instance-level authority parameter to an explicit group name in order prevent unintended super-user access.
There are several new administration authority levels, two of which are: DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL, that you can use to give users the authority to access data or grant access to data, respectively.
有几个新的管理权限级别,其中两个是 DATAACCESS和ACCESSCTRL,分别用来给予用户访问数据的权限或授权别人访问数据的权限。
These users need to be able to access and view the models in ways that fit with their needs and authority.
The queue manager's administrators might not even have the authority to display what profiles are defined, or the access lists for those profiles.
If that user ID is later retired (e.g. the user leaves the company) or if the user no longer needs database access or authority on database objects, a DBA must revoke privileges from the user.
You can design access control policies to grant authority to a user based on their role in a particular organization.
The DBADM authority allows a user to perform administrative tasks on a specific database in an instance and allows full access to the data and objects in that database.
J2EE 1.2 USES security roles, whereby the application developer specifies which roles have the authority to access specific methods, and the deployer maps these roles to specific users or user groups.
J2EE 1.2使用安全性角色,凭借这个应用程序开发人员就能指定哪些角色有访问特定方法的权限,并且部署人员将这些角色映射到特定的用户或用户组上。
In fact, L.A. 's Metropolitan Transportation Authority is working on providing cellphone access on subway trains, not taking it away.
This article assumes that you have the necessary administrative privileges on the system that will house the authority (most likely you will need root access for some of the steps).
Solution: : Grant the user authority to access the JMS (SIBus, in this case) by doing the following.
Identity service scopes - The Identity service now allows for creating per-service access control management scopes with delegation of management authority between users.
身份识别服务作用域(IdentityService Scopes)——通过代理各用户间的授权管理,身份识别服务(Identity Service)现在允许为每个服务访问控制创建管理作用域。
Also, you do not need to have root authority to set up public key-based authentication (portions of the host-based authentication setup require root access).
Grant nt authority \ anonymous LOGON authority to access to the objects for which you want to enable location via anonymous lookups.
授予NTAUTHORITY \ANONYMOUSLOGON权限以便访问要通过匿名查找启用位置的对象。
Restrict remote administrative authority using SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN channels on production-level (restricted-access) boxes.
在生产级别(受限制的访问)的计算机上使用SYSTEM . ADMIN .SVRCONN通道来限制远程管理权限。
National focal points often have limited authority and very little access to a country's true power base.
National focal points often have limited authority and very little access to a country's true power base.