User mapping - a user mapping has to be defined for each user who wants to access the remote database using the previously defined server object.
To access a remote DB2 LUW server, you should catalog the node by specifying DB2 instance and then catalog the target database under that instance at this cataloged node.
要访问远程DB2LUW服务器,则应当通过指定 DB2实例为节点编写目录,然后在已编写目录的节点上为该实例下的目标数据库编写目录。
A connector license is required for each database to be parsed and the software may be required to be installed and maintained on a number of remote servers to access the required databases.
If the user ID and password you use to connect to the federated database are the same as those you use to access the remote data source, you do not need to create a user mapping.
For the alternate approach, it is not necessary to configure a federated access to the remote database.
Moreover, if you have access only to a remote database, you might have trouble with intermittent or slow access to your network.
Unlike the casual Scenario, it adds a Cloudscape network server so that remote applications and administration tools can access the database while it is being used by Web applications.
Unlike the casual scenario, it adds a Cloudscape network server so that remote applications and administration tools can access the database while it is being used by Web applications.
The resource adapter provides access to a remote IBM Cloudscape database with local transaction support.
The resource adapter provides access to a remote IBM Cloudscape database with XA transaction support.
该资源适配器提供对具有 XA事务支持的远程IBMCloudscape数据库的访问。
When a database is active, other Cloudscape systems can still access the database by using remote access.
Local database access is always quicker than accessing a remote database.
We used SSH because it provides secure encrypted access to a remote Linux server, which provides access to a single application database.
A company has multiple sources of information, some of which are more expensive to access than others (for example, a local parts database and a remote parts database).
The second example is of a remote office where information is stored in a workgroup database within this remote office so that multiple local workers can access the data.
Because of the NRPC client, a program that USES NOS can access a local database as easily as it can access a remote database.
The configuration and management of large background database and the multiple methods of remote data access will put a solid foundation for fashion style based on Internet.
DAO is a program we can access and manipulate the local or remote data and data definition, management, database objects or structures.
Each client machine must be configured for remote database access. Use the DB2 Configuration Assistant on the database host to connect to a remote database.
The identity and access service module achieves all kinds of operations of the database and provides local and remote interfaces for the modules of identity and access management and authorization.
Remote diagnostics the checking and rectification of a computer program or database by remote access through a telephone link rather than by attendance on site.
According to inpatient records, data managing demand of cardiac remote monitoring network and computer, this software was designed with relative database ACCESS.
OBJECTIVE:To set up data management system for therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM), and to realize the remote database access by means of network.
前言: 目的:建立治疗药物监测(TDM)数据管理系统,借助网络实现数据的远程访问。
The system is mainly divided into four modules: power acquisition module, field communication module, the database server module and the remote access module.
Yet, they'll still have full, secure, remote access to your company's phone system, data network, customer database, and other tools they need to be productive.
Database access middleware is the most sophisticated of all kinds. It supports communication in the application and data sources, which can be local or remote and isomorphism or heterogeneous.
Database access middleware is the most sophisticated of all kinds. It supports communication in the application and data sources, which can be local or remote and isomorphism or heterogeneous.