Only if the memory manager has returned the memory to the system do you get an access violation.
You can then look at the state of your program during the moments leading up to the access violation.
This causes an access violation in the CLR when the garbage collector tries to walk the object graph.
One thread is rendering or managing a voxel game chunk. Another has just deleted it. Access Violation?
If that fails, try setting a breakpoint at a point before the location where the access violation occurs.
An access violation means that somewhere, your code tried to access (read, in this case) memory that's not mapped to your program's address space.
You can use a combination of these techniques to work forward and backward until you have isolated the location where the access violation occurred.
This type of problem can often manifest as an access violation because the import address table is currently made read-only by the compiler and linker.
Since the static data members in the executable images arenot in sync, this action could result in an access violation or data may appearto be lost or corrupted.
With monitored security, the models all reside in the same repository, and a model manager USES reports and queries to determine after the fact whether an access violation has occurred.
the iPhone apps must remove access to the DCIM directory (Apple claims this is in violation of the iPhone App Developer Agreement)
Stanza软件必须将软件中存取DCIM目录的功能移除 (苹果称此举违反了iPhone应用程序开发者协议);
Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security.
No patent will be granted for an invention based on genetic resources if the access or utilization of the said genetic resources is in violation of any law or administrative regulation.
At the same time, an agency that has become familiar with the respondent through continuing supervision or prior dealings may have access to ample information establishing the violation.
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