Clients accessing the system may never even know that a server has experienced any difficulties.
If you can't restrict the resources a login gets to use, then you can at least restrict the number of principals accessing the system.
It was an online transaction processing (OLTP) application with 10,000 users accessing the system in order to dispatch technical problems.
Windows encountered an error accessing the system registry. Windows will restart the computer and repair the system registry for you.
By default, applications run inside a basic sandbox process with no permissions assigned, thus preventing such applications from accessing the system or resources.
This often elicits new requirements as new groups of users are accessing the system, and having a means of capturing and managing these requirements can extend the application's longevity.
A perfect tradeoff will be gained among the object accessing performance, the memory utilization and the Java chip system simplicity.
This system would work fine on a personal server where you're the only one accessing it, but in the real world, it would be impractical (and rude) to pull the feed every time someone wants to read it.
From a consumer perspective, accessing consolidated data in the target system has the same availability characteristics as accessing any other data in this system.
Imagine the development of a custom J2EE JCA connector for accessing a legacy system, to be used remotely by a workflow application.
As such, NFS is not a file system in the traditional sense but instead a protocol for accessing file systems remotely.
It is suggested that you configure this role to include only the particular system users that would have a valid reason for accessing MDM Server.
Microsoft initially planned to prevent other firms' security software from accessing the "kernel" of Vista, in effect the heart of the system.
The module innovasolutions.payrollmodule represents the payroll service for accessing employee payroll information in a legacy system using web services protocols.
Additionnal Asserts: Support for comparing file paths or directories without accessing the file system.
The system can also be used as a cloud computing system, accessing information through a Web browser.
The aim is to provide users with an instant way of accessing the web without the hassle and delay of a heavyweight operating system like Windows or Macintosh OS X.
Therefore, it is useful to get the data only once, cache it, and have all other components use the cached data, instead of accessing the backend system again.
In today's computing environment, users and system administrators may be accessing systems located across the globe.
This means that should either half become unavailable, the other half can continue accessing the GPFS file system.
In order to test our Team Room notification function without accessing the external network or having an email validation system in place, we can write mock test methods.
What is a little more common is some kind of IO operation, like accessing a Web service, or reading from the local file system.
XUL 应用程序中较为常见的是一些IO类的操作,如访问Web服务或是从本地文件系统读取。
On the other hand, the system p5 server (representation shown in Figure 2) can have multiple operating systems accessing the physical system's hardware.
另一方面,System p5服务器(如图2所示)可以拥有多个访问物理系统硬件的操作系统。
Commonly used AIX 5l Version 5.2 and Version 5.1 commands and application programming interfaces (APIs) for accessing system identification values are described in the following section.
本文将在后面的部分中描述常用的AIX5lVersion 5.2和Version 5.1命令以及访问系统标识值的应用程序编程接口(API)。
Facilitates browser-based functionality for logging into the system and accessing employee payroll information. It contains.
Since the responsibility for accessing the physical data rests with the database management system, the programmer can ignore the physical data structure.
The problems of mass accessing and system service calling are solved.
According to low efficiency in network database accessing in unreliable military communication system, this paper proposes the database access model based on distributed component.
Distributed object construction technique is the foundation to achieve distributed database system function, and the technique of accessing database is the key to achieve distributed database system.
Distributed object construction technique is the foundation to achieve distributed database system function, and the technique of accessing database is the key to achieve distributed database system.