So, again each design basis accident has one single failure of a component which basically is the single failure criteria.
Although its safety features are different, all have to be able to be shut down safely during a so-called "design basis accident," the kind of accident anticipated in its design.
He said he is confident that Metsamor could operate safely in such an accident, and that it could cope even with accidents beyond its design basis.
The simulation analysis of accident consequence is the basis of prediction and control of such accidents. The simulating results can provide valuable data for disasters prevention and safety design.
To guarantee diagnosis diversification, two diagnosis criteria of a design basis accident monitoring and a critical safety function monitoring used in plant emergency operation are provided.
Introduces the load test and the structure calculation of the shaft in the case of broken-down accident. The design principle and the basis of the accident assessment are proposed.
Loss of coolant accident is considered as design basis accident in the design of nuclear power plant. It is the key point of accident analysis for pressurized water reactor plant.
Loss of coolant accident is considered as design basis accident in the design of nuclear power plant. It is the key point of accident analysis for pressurized water reactor plant.