As for a kid, that is an accomplished fact due to the certain natural environment and climate, which is out of question.
Nourish it by holding in thought the thing you desire, by believing in it, visualizing it, SEEING it as an accomplished fact.
China resolutely opposes and will never accept any attempt of Japan to impose its unilateral proposition upon China as an accomplished fact.
The paper gives a retrospect and prospect of the construction of Chinese classical dance, narrates and analyzes the accomplished fact and points out the essence.
In fact, many of the world's most accomplished people feel shy, shaky, insecure, and at times even terrified.
Moreover, developers often assume that instrumentation and measurement can be accomplished after the fact and that the service itself does not need to incorporate support for these activities.
Even if you haven't accomplished all that you set out to do, celebrate the fact that you have made a step in the right direction, no matter how small.
Modeling your Oracle database and, in fact, any database is accomplished by RDA making an underlying connection to the database using the JDBC driver.
在对Oracle数据库(实际上是任何数据库)进行建模时,RDA使用 JDBC 驱动程序建立底层数据库连接。
I love the fact that I can compare two sets of statistics-the proportion of spells I actually cast, versus how much effective healing those spells accomplished.
Due to the fact that we are really voyeur's in other people's lives, we have no idea how they have accomplished one thing or another.
In fact, the Russian hack-and-dox scheme accomplished all three goals.
In fact, China's space sector has independently accomplished development from scratch to the world's most advanced level by totally relying on its own scientific forces.
Chemical Separations can be accomplished using HPLC by utilizing the fact that certain compounds have different migration rates given a particular column and mobile phase.
Error in the criminal law, especially fact error, not only offense shape of effect action man, criminal responsibility, but also relate to the criminal accomplished offence either not abortive.
Of course, the fact that you're hoping to move to a different city where no one knows what you've accomplished does complicate matters a bit.
This is best accomplished by a slide showing a fact that is new to the audience and important enough to capture their attention.
The fact that the Chinese Shen Zhou-5 manned spacecraft success-fully accomplished its mission sets us thinking about the adaption of terminology.
The fact that the Chinese Shen Zhou-5 manned spacecraft success-fully accomplished its mission sets us thinking about the adaption of terminology.