According to the international practices, the cooperating entities shall pay reasonable remunerations to those having studied abroad who render their services to the motherland.
According to international practices, we do not insure against such risks unless the buyer call for them.
According to the 38th article of theinternational court statute, if an international habit needs to become an internationallaw it should possess two elements: the state practices and legal beliefs.
根据《国际法院规约》第 第 38条的规定,一项国际习惯要成为国际法渊源必须具体两个要素国家实践和法律确信。
According to the 38th article of theinternational court statute, if an international habit needs to become an internationallaw it should possess two elements: the state practices and legal beliefs.
根据《国际法院规约》第 第 38条的规定,一项国际习惯要成为国际法渊源必须具体两个要素国家实践和法律确信。