But the shift to broader responsibility and key account management may be too large a transition.
Users can use PAM library APIs in their applications for user/group authentication and account management.
For businesses, this means a lower cost of password and account management, while drawing new web traffic.
The third major building block of the congruence model for key account management is human resources.
Take full responsibility for representing and managing the Hilton account management system (cardex).
Prepare a weekly sales and expense report to include proper set-up in sales account management system.
Global account management holds out the promise of greater efficiency and cost savings for all parties.
These operations are then aggregated into a set of three services for search, ordering, and account management.
It's the urgent task for enterprise account management via minimized bad debts risk and farthest decrease the loss.
Often, a company may have several billing, account management, and alike systems supporting different aspects of business.
In this section, we discuss a series of general requirements for effective key account management under several headings.
These contacts range from technical support requests, billing and account management issues, e-mails, and in-game help requests.
This module should typically be used as a sufficient module to allow root to bypass authentication or account management checks.
That's it. At present, a lot of group companies are worried about their group account management. And this account is an outlet.
Retention: the process of retaining the account through performance, communication, remediation and on-going account management.
Some firms experienced in key account management ask personnel at the key account to interview a short list of acceptable candidates.
User account management, including password policies, naming conventions, and group definitions, are all managed by this external facility.
Here are five Twitter account management tools to help you keep your Twitter activity in check - whether you tweet for one account or many.
In the next column in this series, I will apply the method to the banking domain of account management and describe each step with an example.
Mr. Cabanas is a seasoned sales executive with over 25 years of experience in sales marketing, strategic planning and account management.
Distributed single sign-on protocols also play a part here, enabling the expensive part of account management to be concentrated at one point.
Objective: To obtain an entry-level account management position in financial services utilizing my strong analytical and interpersonal skills.
Clearly, when the supplier adopts some form of key account management program, many supplier personnel become involved in the relationship.
We’re mad about Tweetie for Mac’s sleek design, which does an amazing job at multiple account management while respecting our screen real-estate.
我们激动于Tweetie forMac漂亮的设计,这是一个惊人的工作,在多帐号管理的同时考虑到了我们的屏幕尺寸。
I don't want to create my own account management mechanism, because it seems silly in our day and age to implement my own account repository.
Firms considering key account management programs should complete a thorough assessment of skill requirements for their key account managers.
Since user and group account management is handled outside of DB2, DB2 does not scrutinize whether users should or should not be a member of a group.
由于用户和组账户的管理是在DB2之外处理的,因此DB 2不会仔细检查用户应不应该成为一个组的成员。
As a simple example, consider the case where the Enterprise builds a funds and account management software application with a Flux engine at the core.
As a simple example, consider the case where the Enterprise builds a funds and account management software application with a Flux engine at the core.