He joined ADP as an account representative and moved up in a number of leadership positions, including ADP's small business and employer services divisions.
If you want to see your product in Fix Central soon, let us know by contacting your IBM account representative — and use the Feedback link in Fix Central as well.
如果您希望尽快在FixCentral看到您的产品,请联系您的IBM客户代表和使用Fix Central中的Feedback链接告诉我们。
If the account representative cannot find a customer name in the Core application, still another bookmark is used to open the contacts application, known as the NAB Plus.
如果客户管理专员在Core应用程序中没有找到客户姓名,仍然可以使用另一个书签打开contacts应用程序(称为NAB Plus)。
Peck interviewed the representative via instant message, contacting an account he said they used to send out the tweets and later deleted.
UPS directs the request and PIN number to a representative of the account to ensure its customers are aware of the request.
UPS 将该请求和PIN号交给该帐号的代表,确保其客户知道该请求。
Bank Message: We regret to inform you that your account at Battered Trust has been deactivated. If you have any questions, please speak with a financial representative.
The paper gives an account of some currently representative design methods of asphalt concrete airport pavement in the world.
We make ourselves easily available by fax, telephone, or mail, and assign a trained customer service representative to each account.
It was conceived taking into account their normal daily family life, but also their possible representative meeting occasions and convivial moments with friends.
The account of a representative office shall not include any item of income except for the money allocated by its parent enterprise.
The foreign exchange current account of a real restate development enterprise shall not keep any house purchase money of any domestic branch or representative office remitted from abroad.
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Holder company requirements with changsha bank acceptance bill discount, financial seal and legal representative seal, seal, agent id card, bank account information;