In contrast to the external orientation of ACCTG311, this course focuses on how to prepare and use accounting information for management decision making.
To provide the information support for adapting organization strategy and management decision-making, the research of organization adaptability in management accounting system can not be avoided.
It is also important to be able to extract information from the managerial accounting system for decision-making.
Lender's using of accounting information is not only a theoretical issue about the accounting information usefulness for decision making but also a practical problem in bank credit risk management.
It is the requirement of providing useful information for decision-making to recognize and report the unrealized gains and losses in fair value accounting.
The student examines advanced topics in management accounting as these relate to management information needs for planning, control, and decision making.
Accounting information has become basis for carrying out supervision, appraising economic situation and decision-making.
Accounting information is the processed accounting data, whose most important character is that it can be used for decision-making, so accounting information must be factual and reliable.
Accounting must adapt to the new circumstances for the need of economy management and the decision-making during this information time.
In the company governing, accounting, as an information system, provides decision-making information for related sections of the enterprise.
If markets were liquid and transparent for all assets and liabilities, fair value accounting clearly would be reliable information useful in the decision making process.
Financial accountants provide useful information of decision -making for information users while exposure of accounting policy is helpful to users of accounting policy who know the process of in...
The purpose of financial reporting information to the user to provide useful information for decision-making to meet the information requirements of users of accounting information.
The purpose of financial reporting information to the user to provide useful information for decision-making to meet the information requirements of users of accounting information.