Among the most common examples of current liabilities are accounts payable, short-term notes payable, the current portion of long-term debt, accrued liabilities, and unearned revenue.
Such remittance, however, shall be made in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations of the Contracting Party in the area of which the revenue accrued.
Additionally:The portfolio will be valuable in preventing revenue losses accrued due to data loss and cellular phone cloning in cellular communication, and enhancing customer satisfaction.
For the fourth quarter, "other" revenue expenses rose 153 per cent to Rmb1.5bn, an increase it said was "mainly driven" by bank transaction fees accrued by WeChat Pay.
For the fourth quarter, "other" revenue expenses rose 153 per cent to Rmb1.5bn, an increase it said was "mainly driven" by bank transaction fees accrued by WeChat Pay.