Lastly, low fertility makes possible a more rapid accumulation of capital per head.
All the cultural and spiritual eminence of man is conditioned by the accumulation of capital.
We have seen that the growing accumulation of capital implies its growing concentration.
What does the primitive accumulation of capital, i. e. , its historical genesis, resolve itself into?
Many people that is the way through it, the original accumulation of capital, and then chart their own careers.
Modern development economics thinks: Without forming and accumulation of capital, there is not economic growth.
Rural surplus labor force in the UK has experienced the hardships of the early accumulation of capital, its gradual shift into the right track.
It is rather intuitive that large profits in comparison to the funds invested in a business are favorable to the accumulation of capital.
The accumulation of capital refers simply to the gathering or amassment of objects of value; the increase in wealth; or the creation of wealth.
This choice is made on the following grounds:1)economically, it would provide primitive accumulation of capital for the country's industrialization;
The accumulation of capital determines the actors's position in the field and decides to form the habitus. Ultimately, the struggle of field is a competition for capital.
And because these dependants make a claim on a country's income without adding to it, they also depress savings, thereby slowing the accumulation of capital and the growth of productivity.
The difference comes mainly from individual accumulation of capital, personnel skills, fiscal and financial environment and the organizational capacity of the individual entrepreneurs.
This paper, therefore, mainly discusses the theory of surplus value, the theory of accumulation of capital, the theory of social reproduction and the theory of profit and average profit.
On the one hand, the accumulation of capital in the United Kingdom showed the world the amazing power of industry that outpouring of wealth could gather in such a small country with limited resources.
Current theories about economic growth stress the importance of what economists call "human-capital accumulation".
A good rate of inflation in Egypt is considered to be 10 percent, and currency depreciation works as a massive punishment against savings and capital accumulation.
Given China's high investment, it is not surprising that India's accumulation of physical capital contributed less than half the growth of China's.
The consequences of high capital income tax policies are reduced saving, reduced capital accumulation, lower labor productivity, and reduced economic growth.
The growth that arises from capital accumulation is not a free lunch: It requires that society sacrifice consumption of goods and services in the present to enjoy higher consumption in the future.
The improvement of human quality and accumulation of human capital are of great importance to push forward the development of economy.
The promises of economic success and the pleasures of consumption cast a veil over the inequalities generated by these new modes of capital accumulation.
The essential condition about changing that aspect is that the accumulation rate of human capital in rural department is made higher than the shift rate.
Moreover, the shortcoming and question in accumulation of knowledge capital in Changhong was analyzed from five aspects of knowledge capital.
Moreover, the shortcoming and question in accumulation of knowledge capital in Changhong was analyzed from five aspects of knowledge capital.