Floating-point (FP) arithmetic is usually used in many high accuracy calculation fields.
Capacitor group is switched through accuracy calculation to form closed-loop management system of reactive compensation.
Darwin and Huxley supported the accuracy of John Joly's calculation of Earth's age because it agree with their view of how long evolution had been in progress.
By comparison, it has advantages on both calculation accuracy and speed.
Calculation shows that the proposed method can increase the computation speed and raise the accuracy of fitting and forecasting dam displacement.
This paper analyzes the sources of effecting the error of the accuracy in electrohydraulic position servo system, and carries out quantitative analysis and calculation to main factors.
Conclusion the efficiency and accuracy of CMI calculation can be improved through optimizing the classification design and calculating method in computer programming.
How is fixed assets depreciation calculated, manually or systematically? If manually, what control is in place to ensure the accuracy of the calculation?
The calculation on typical examples by 20-node isoparametric elements show the results obtained from these two methods have good accuracy and coincide with each other.
The calculation of the transmission coefficient with this method will have arbitrarily high accuracy.
The present applied calculation method is very complicated and low calculating accuracy, and this method can not determine the drilling hole position.
The given example shows that the accuracy is very satisfactory and it has higher speed of calculation.
Practical examples prove its fast calculation speed , high forecast accuracy and small error variety.
The accuracy of the ICE spray calculation results depends on the models adopted for simulation of the(primary) and secondary breakup process.
But the young store-keeper, not feeling quite sure as to the accuracy of his calculation, added up the items once more.
Inherency frequency of servomechanism is to have an influence on the key parameters of servo accuracy and response capability, and demands the calculation of inherency frequency in the design stage.
The calculation accuracy has been improved by using such a method, and which is also appropriate to be applied for calculation of other crude oil properties.
The algorithm are more simple, easy to use, with higher evaluation accuracy and faster calculation velocity.
The results showed that the restraint variable-dimension method not only could have high calculation accuracy and good numeric stability but also have certain data noise control capability.
The calculation using this rigid-frame element has the advantages of less original data requirements and higher accuracy.
Gauss Integral method is populated due to its high algebraic accuracy in index calculation.
In the seal verification system of bank, the rate of identification depends on the performance of pretreatment and the accuracy of geometry calculation.
Using it to compute reserves, the accuracy of calculation can be increased.
When calculating with material balance equation, the accuracy of the calculation result is often affected by the error of PVT parameters.
The designed instances show that the program has considerably high accuracy for design calculation of rotary drum vacuum filter processing compressible material.
The flow distribution result of actual combined ring verify the accuracy of this calculation method.
It shows that grillage analogy method can analyze the type bridge easily and its calculation accuracy closing to entity unit model.
I disputed with him about the accuracy of his calculation.
Based on fuzzy theory, the relationship between the freedom degree of vehicle vibration model and the accuracy of calculation is analyzed in this paper.
Based on fuzzy theory, the relationship between the freedom degree of vehicle vibration model and the accuracy of calculation is analyzed in this paper.