Accustomed to such a life, accustomed to such a day and night to think of you.
I have long been accustomed to such a betrayal, no matter what clothes I used to arm themselves, but were unable to increase the inner temperature.
Do not be afraid of a "beta" or "prototype" label — people are now accustomed to such, and it can provide the necessary "cover" to being less than perfect.
不要害怕“be ta版”或者“原型版”这样的标签——人们已经习惯了这些标签,而且这些标签也能够“掩盖”你的服务中的不尽人意之处。
Computer users in general are accustomed to computer systems that are deterministic and synchronous in nature, and think of such a structure as the norm.
Furthermore, a rigid grid design makes the creation of community identity difficult, as the displaced people are not usually accustomed to living in such a pattern.
Of course, such a strict demands on their Master's true, it would be wrong in his usual lazy accustomed to all of a sudden come Well how can we adjust.
Of course, such a strict demands on their Master's true, it would be wrong in his usual lazy accustomed to all of a sudden come Well how can we adjust.