Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
Achilles Heel: Sidney hates phones, surely.
Beckham's Achilles' heel, it turns out, was his Achilles heel.
These are IMs and emails for me, but we all have our Achilles heel.
The club’s Achilles heel is Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.
The club's Achilles heel is Nigeria, Africa's most populous country.
Client anonymity is Gleis' core responsibility but it is also the series' Achilles heel.
Unemployment, at an unacceptable 15% in 2003-04, remains the economy"s Achilles heel.
失业率在2003-2004年面临十分不理想的水平―15%,停留在经济的“阿基里斯之踵(Achilles heel)”上。
The Achilles heel of this team has been the tendency for the role players to disappear during games.
Ever since London was awarded the Games in 2005, transport has been considered a potential Achilles heel.
We will need to ensure that those same technological innovations that provide advantage do not become our Achilles heel.
Achilles Heel: John just loves to be the hero, meaning he could be easily tempted into a potentially fatal dangerous situation.
Achilles Heel: Lara’s a total thrillseeker, and her lack of reserve when it comes to death-defying stunts could be the end of her.
弱点 :劳拉是整个一个大无畏,缺少三思后行的思考能力,当视死如归的场面出现,劳拉可能就终结了。
They have deftly played the role of saviour just when Western Banks have been exposed as the Achilles heel of the global financial system.
A lone, dedicated machine providing some crucial service-say, DNS or centralized authentication-is an Achilles heel and warrants a bullpen for backup.
Achilles Heel: Tell him you're going to teach him kung-fu, plug a laptop into his brain and load Hottie Or the Nottie into the DVD drive. He'll kill himself.
Achilles Heel: her mother, whom Sadako protected against vicious reporters. Or, dig out your VHS player and record the latest episode of Eastenders over her.
Achilles Heel: She really hates those aliens, meaning Ripley could be lured into all kinds of traps if she thought there was a xenomorph in need of exploding.
The Achilles heel of the Semantic Web may well be the complete disinterest of most authors in producing anything remotely approximating metadata for their pages.
"This study reveals the identity of a novel protein trafficking apparatus... and hence, provides an 'Achilles heel' for anti-malaria drug developers," they wrote.
Arrogant people always have an Achilles heel, but this they do not want exposed or known by people. Thus they use an invincible front to protect their vulnerabilities.
Achilles Heel: Like any mother, the Bride would do anything for her daughter - faced with taking her own life or her daughters, we're pretty sure she'd choose the former.
Achilles Heel: Tang's really a bit of a soft touch, so appealing to his gentle nature and befriending him first would get you close enough to slip some poison into his food.
The alacrity with which Ronald Reagan scuttled from Lebanon after the marine barracks bombing in 1983 confirmed this belief that America's aversion to casualties was the superpower's Achilles heel.
Oceanides Thetis, Achilles' mother, grasped his heel to soak him in the Styx River after he was born.
The hidden Achilles' heel is that while we've found ways to educate scientists in the humanities, the reverse has never really happened.
The hidden Achilles' heel is that while we've found ways to educate scientists in the humanities, the reverse has never really happened.