This SO2 will be mixed with the feed gas of an existing sulphuric acid plant.
The citric acid plant is just one of 10 similar enterprises fueled by marsh gas.
Reduction and recycle of acidic waste water from sulphuric acid plant based on nickel smelting off-gas;
Hole forming in the cooling bundles of the fluidized bed roaster in sulfuric acid plant is very harmful.
Used Fatty Acid Plant and Process, complete Fatty Acid Plant and Process for re-location throughout the world.
Practice showed that aluminized steel has been used in sulphuric acid plant with success and is worth extending.
Used Nitric Acid Plant and Process, complete Nitric Acid Plant and Process for re-location throughout the world.
Used Sulfuric Acid Plant and Process, complete Sulfuric Acid Plant and Process for re-location throughout the world.
Some noteworthy problems in design of auto-operation of sulphuric acid plant on waste heat power generation are discussed.
Test, selection and application of porcelain filter in the swage treatment system of a copper smelter acid plant are described.
The retrofitting of control system for gypsum centrifuge in swage treatment system of a copper smelter acid plant is described.
The superheated steam temperature is an important parameter in the waste heat recovery system of sulfur-based sulfuric acid plant.
Through various analyses and tests on pyrite cinder in Suzhou Sulphuric Acid Plant, its character of technological mineral has been found out.
Finally, Marsulex will install a new scrubber at Chemtrade’s sulfuric acid plant in Cairo, Ohio, to meet lower sulfur dioxide limits by July 2011.
In the sulfuric acid plant of Jiangxi Copper Company Guixi Smelter, sulfuric acid is made using smelting fume from the flash furnace and the convertor.
The structure retrofit of the oxidation furnace in a concentrated nitric acid plant increased the production capacity of the plant and obtained a good result.
Abrasion and corrosion of heating surface, superheater tube cracking and weld leakage are the main cause of waste heat boiler breakdown in sulphuric acid plant.
The sulfur burner is one of critical equipment in sulfuric acid plant based on sulfur. High requirements are brought with the expansion of plant production capacity.
The operating condition of Rhone-Poulenc process and the equipment for phosphoric aicd concentration in phosphoric acid plant of Guixi Fertilizer Co. , Ltd. are described.
Standard bricks, shaped bricks adapted to chemical plants, fertilizer plants, sulfuric acid plant and other factories drying tower, absorption tower and the reactor lining.
This article describes the design and operation of the new system in sulphuric acid plant of Guixi Smelter, and some problems occurred in actual operation and ways of treatment.
This paper described the corrosion behaviour and mechanism of the equipments and pipeline in a large-scale sulphur burning sulphuric acid plant, and then provided the protection methods.
The wet phosphoric acid plant features large amount of by product phosphogypsum, which poses significant pollution to the environment and must be treated before comprehensive utilization.
The electrostatic precipitator of sulphuric acid plant needs high dust collection efficiency, excellent sealing, and better electrical and thermal insulation to meet high concentration dust.
It analyses the tube blast emergency of waste heat boiler in sulfuric acid plant. Modification experience is summarized. Substantial economical effectiveness of waste heat recovery is described.
The technical retrofitting measures for pyrite-based sulphuric acid plant are introduced with respects to fluidized-bed roasting, cleaning, drying and absorption and conversion and energy savings.
The technical retrofitting measures for pyrite-based sulphuric acid plant are introduced with respects to fluidized-bed roasting, cleaning, drying and absorption and conversion and energy savings.