Ask yourself: Why is the person sitting across from you going to the trouble of interviewing with you today?
It turned out to be: Assume a carpet formation, arms linked, legs under the arms of the two people across from you.
How I look forward to sitting across from you at supper again, listening to you describe your new profit-sharing plan.
If you can't think of one person who would delight in your delight, imagine the person you most admire sitting across from you.
Walk along Long Street to the end and you can see the nature park. The library is across from the nature park.
You protect against application server loss by load balancing across multiple instances, allowing you to recover from various failures.
At this level, you are concerned with the actual bytes that go across the connection from the application to the cloud.
You will gather from my comments that the BBC now seeks to provide its content across all platforms in an integrated way - the move from linear broadcaster to the digital on-demand world.
A monthly newsletter will bring you updates on the most recent news and research papers from across the Nature Publishing Group.
To bring together the answers from across the grid, you simply have to iterate through the results provided to you from the partitions.
"Here you go, boy," the man said and pulled a folded dollar bill from his pants pocket and handed it across.
Both dump and restore can be run across the network, so you can back up or restore from remote devices.
These systems are hardware or software devices that can help you monitor access across the network to and from your server as well as activity on the server itself.
Why, you might look, and look, all through the Sunday-school books from now till next Christmas, and you would never come across anything like this.
Our experts teach you how to chat up anyone - especially that lovely creature sitting across the table from you.
Perhaps the key capability that you get from a scalable, cross-disciplinary build management process is better visibility across development activities.
The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace."
You know you've got the right approach when you get feedback from across the organization that your plan appears to be a good one.
Data is divided across all the partitions in a database partition group and you can add or drop one or more database partitions from a database partition group.
If you create a framework for the entire organization, make sure you use a sample of roles from across the company.
You dream that you're sitting at round table in a dimly lit room. There is a man sitting across the table from you.
Apart from the hardware and the link between the machines, you need software that can manage the programs spread across various drone nodes.
Doing so will help you come across as confident and knowledgeable, and that can set you apart from other candidates.
It's impossible to look young forever, but you can prevent time from marching across your face.
The rain continued, "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace."
He or she is sitting across the dinner table from you: When you're married, you've got a steady, live-in intimacy partner.
Performing textual analysis across a set of related documents can result in higher-quality categorization, as you can cross-reference from a larger corpus and glean deeper relations between documents.
In reality, though, many interviewers are managers who are so pressed for time that they just haven't gotten around to thinking about you at all until you're sitting across the desk from them.
For example, you can brush the outer sides of your teeth from left to right across the top, then move to the inside and brush right to left.
It's even better if you can reuse these CSS files across pages, again so you can benefit from browser caching.