While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare.
First, you can cache the measure values between sessions and across users.
By default the selected measure is displayed across all dimensions; this is the top level of the cube.
But then we come across another problem. Page and Carey have chosen to measure it by revenue from gigs set in the UK, not earned by UK ACTS 'performances.
Rainfall gauges measure rain at a single location on the ground, while satellites record rainfall totals across a broader region.
The first is to measure the water content of soil across the planet every three days to a depth of up to 2m.
On May 24th the OECD launched its alternative measure of well-being which includes 20 different indicators across 11 sectors in its 34 member countries, from life satisfaction to air pollution.
Even those who journey through its Northeastern complex, into the Southern lands, across the central plains and to its Western slopes can only glimpse a measure of the bounty of America.
Together, the pair will measure the variation in height across the globe to an accuracy of better than two metres.
The latest transistors measure just 22 nanometres across, but chip-makers plan to shrink them further still.
Bayesian model averaging was used to combine the results across models and to provide a measure of uncertainty that reflects the choice of model and the sampling variability.
The Bushes have made a point of keeping things as normal as possible, including the looming iron gate that has been erected across the driveway as a security measure.
These could measure how the bridge responds to the vehicle moving across it, and report any suspicious changes.
A STIMULATING report released last week by the OECD, a think tank, attempts to measure people's well-being across 40 developed countries.
STIMULATING report released last week by the OECD, a think tank, attempts to measure people's well-being across 40 developed countries.
This is a measure of how fast temperature zones are moving across the landscape as the planet warms - and how quickly plants and animals will need to migrate to keep up.
Across the industry, value-at-risk—a measure of potential losses on a bad trading day—has risen steadily.
Since the late 1990s, scientists and regional management organisations have used catch data to measure changes in the balance of species across so-called "trophic levels."
But only in the last decade have researchers begun to measure happiness across the life span and, in doing so, try to understand why older people tend to be so content.
Measure and record the differential pressure across the valve using a Watts Series PG meter. CAUTION: Safety glasses should be used.
While two contacts supply a constant current, the other two contacts measure the voltage drop across a portion of the sample.
We agree that a better measure of outcome is needed across board following spinal surgery.
The measure has triggered confusion and chaos across the country and drawn concern and criticism from across the world. Similar protests have erupted at airports in many other cities.
Measure the reverse breakdown voltage by sourcing a specified re verse current bias, then measuring the voltage drop across the diode.
The true measure of a person's emotions will quickly flash across their face at the beginning of a conversation.
Measure from the tip of one shoulder, horizontally across the back, to the tip of the other shoulder.
We often fall across a problem of vertex recognition in the process of image measure, for example, to detect length of 2d image, area and some workpiece index.
We often fall across a problem of vertex recognition in the process of image measure, for example, to detect length of 2d image, area and some workpiece index.