The grafting technology of acrylic acid monomer grafting polypropylene nonwoven fabric is explored.
Hydroxyl acrylic acid resin (HAR) with high solid and low viscosity was polymerized from an appropriate acrylic acid monomer in solution.
Synthesises rare earth complex monomer was conducted by sedimentation and direct method. The rare earth organic ionomer was synthesized by copolymerization of acrylic acid monomer.
A branched fluorine - containing acrylic resin has been developed through solution polymerization at normal pressure with liquid fluorine - containing acrylic acid monomer and acrylate monomers.
Amphoteric monomer is prepared with acrylic acid, dimethylamine, and chloroethanol by Mannich reaction.
It was found that the monomer addition rate, acrylic acid ratio and the addition way of the monomer and initiator affect the cumulative and instantaneous conversion.
Acrylic acid and its ester derivatives are important raw materials for the chemistry industry, as monomer, via homopolymerization and copolymerization, it can synthetic thousands of polymers.
The factors affecting water absorption were studied, such as mass of initiator and cross - linker, mass ratio of starch and monomer, mass ratio of acrylic acid and acrylamide.
The effects of weight ratio of hard and soft monomer, amounts of initiator, emulsifier and acrylic acid on the properties of the adhesive are discussed.
It was shown that the addition of functional monomer methyl acrylic acid could not only improve emulsion stability but also be advantageous to formation of regular core shell structure.
It was shown that the addition of functional monomer methyl acrylic acid could not only improve emulsion stability but also be advantageous to formation of regular core shell structure.