Here the Judicature Act made a definite alteration in the law.
In a 2005 energy law, Congress gave the energy Department the authority to step in to approve transmission if states refused to act.
The law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to act speedily and decisively against anyone found to incite or participate in violent acts against foreign nationals.
He was deeply involved in renewals of the Voting Rights Act and the Fair Housing law of 1968.
Under current law — the 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act — all packaged foods must display nutrients and ingredients in a consistent format.
By 1973, when the Endangered Species Act became law, only a few wolves remained in northern Michigan and Minnesota.
The MHS is said to have failed "over a prolonged period" to act as it should have done in enforcing hygiene law.
Laura followed in the footsteps of mother-in-law Barbara Bush, who helped pass the National Literacy Act in 1991.
The animal Welfare Act is the only federal law in the U.S. that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.
Some have asked the Department of Justice to consider a probe under the Foreign Corrupt Practices act, a broad law that targets bribes paid anywhere in the world.
The international law on piracy assumes that individual states would assume the responsibility of policing and patrolling their own waters and to prosecute those seized in the act of piracy.
The actor shall not alter or rescind his act except in accordance with the law or with the other party's consent.
That means that the act of putting some solute in my water decreases the vapor pressure of the water in the gas phase Pretty simple. It's called vapor pressure law.
But what the prosecution failed to comprehend was that the 1959 Act had wrought some important changes in the law.
Incorporating the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic law in the Human Rights Act pushed power sideways, to judges who are required to assess whether laws violate its provisions.
Getting the power to act like law enforcement in order to fine or arrest those who are taking part in activities that challenge your business model?
The judgment is Perell wrote in a paper he presented at an earlier colloquium, the court scene in Act IV of the Merchant of Venice is good theatre but bad law.
我认为这是我们重新考虑它的时候了。 就像PaulPerell法官以前的座谈会上提交的文章说的那样,《威尼斯商人》第4幕的法庭场景是好的喜剧、坏的法律。
The House has already passed a fairly strong cap-and-trade climate bill, the Waxman-Markey act, which if it becomes law would eventually lead to sharp reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
But for all the bill's 2,000-odd pages of detail, everyone on Capitol Hill knows that the House's health-care act will never become law in its present form.
But for all the bill's 2, 000-odd pages of detail, everyone on Capitol Hill knows that the House's health-care act will never become law in its present form.
Whoever commits an act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, thus causing injury to another person, shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 234 of this Law.
I do not hesitate to answer: law is the common force organized to act as an obstacle of injustice. In short, law is justice.
In this role, we do not act as an agent or fiduciary for you, and we may act on behalf of the insurance provider, as permitted by law.
Japan commenced in the presumptive rightfulness of administrative act theory is not the traditional administrative law fictitious myth but a basic concept with rich meaning.
The real estate agent's duty includes the duty of an agent to act in the best interest of the principal, the seller or buyer (the law of agency).
The real estate agent's duty includes the duty of an agent to act in the best interest of the principal, the seller or buyer (the law of agency).