There are many fights in this thick book that you would see in a good action movie.
Jackie Chen is one of the most famous action movie stars in Asia.
His snoring was like the plot of a good action movie, with plenty of rising action.
It sounds like the plot of an apocalyptic action movie, but scientists with the U.
Short brown hair. He's very handsome looking, kind of like me. It's an action movie.
At first glance, you may think that you're reading about a scene from a new action movie.
But in a year that lacks a blockbuster kids action movie, like 2013, boys' toy sales lag.
The action movie is a special kind of film, which is admired by audience since it appeared.
Super Cop World is an innocent play with a fictional action movie and imaginary classical video game.
Every action movie needs a villain, but not just any old villain with a vague desire to take over the world.
But movies like Jaws and Superman and Indiana Jones have some of the best action movie soundtracks of all time.
Mad Max: Fury Road isn't just the best action movie of all time, it is one of the best films of all time, period.
I'm not looking to do a comedy after a drama or an action movie after a love story - that's not the way I choose roles.
一场戏结束后,我没想着要演一出喜剧;或者在一场爱情剧之后,又接着演一出动作剧- - - - - -我选择角色的方式不是这样的。
After all, who might expect an Oscar-winning actor over 50 years old to learn to fight for his debut action movie?
The action movie is exciting and science fiction film is amazing. It's a magic world that we can't imagine right now.
While the new version is still a fast-paced action movie, Mr. Chan believes it is closer to a disaster film in its structure.
The films set box-office records in Asia, and so Hollywood finally gave him the American action movie he longed to make.
When I was small, I watched Jackie Chen's action movie, he can beat many guys at the same time, he is many teenagers' hero.
Like any good action movie or book, a game needs to hook the player immediately, keep them interested and finish with a bang.
This South Korean action movie by director Park Chan-wook will strip the flesh off your skull, and then hit you with a baseball bat.
If my life was an action movie, my boss would be the spy trying to sabotage my mission, and my mission would be going on Facebook.
Next in line were Jonathan Lawrence, Michael French and Scott Miller, none of whom had previously directed a big-budget action movie.
I watched an English film named TODAY YOU DIE this evening. This is another action movie. It also tells about rob and kill and revenge.
I watched an English film named TODAY YOU DIE this evening. This is another action movie. It also tells about rob and kill and revenge.