I haven't received the activation code on my phone!
The activation and deactivation code you added in Listing 8 works perfectly.
Users can unlock the AME capability of a system by entering a VET activation code.
用户可以进入 VET激活模式来解锁系统的AME 功能。
Enter the activation code given to you by IBM to enable the virtualization feature.
You will be asked for an activation code when you try to enter the Settings view.
You can also copy-paste the activation code in the same email in the following field.
Check your e-mail for a note from the Digitrust; it will contain a URL and activation code.
检查您的电子邮件以获得来自Digitrust 的说明;它将包含一个URL以及激活代码。
Pressing DONE saves the XM Activation code in the flash memory of the XMWX receiver box.
This account will be canceled if you don't log in LGS with the activation code in 24 hours.
In case the above link asks for Activation Code and User ID, please find below the information.
Please note that a the activation code can only in a computer use, or the official title! ! ! ! !
Every new user gets an activation code to activate his account when he gets an E-mail with a link in it.
Please use a valid email address as we will send you a confirmation email with your activation code.
Many Microsoft products make users enter an activation code to register the software and have it work properly.
Distribution channels for game activation code, novice trial card, item card and exclusive packs for media.
Submitting this info will create your activation code, which you then copy and paste into ZBrush to complete your activation.
An email was sent to your inbox with an activation code inside. Please enter your username and the activation code below to activate your account.
I like DOTA2 this game, hoping to get DOTA2 activation code, I will always support this game and the game experience encountered BUG and feedback with you.
我很喜欢DOTA 2这个游戏,希望可以得到DOTA2的激活码,我会一直支持这个游戏,并且遇到BUG和游戏中体验反馈与你。
Please log in LGS by using the code to activate your account after your registration. This account will be canceled if you don't log in LGS with the activation code in 24 hours.
This is accomplished through “activation code” included within the image that reads input parameters, maps these parameters to different pre-configured profiles, and performs reconfiguration.
这是通过映像内包含的 “激活代码”实现的,它可以读取输入参数、将这些参数映射到不同的预配置的配置文件并进行重新配置。
It will ask for your cell phone number(easy, I have done two emails and it doesn't charge me at all). So just give him the number and you will receive a text with activation code included.
If all I need to do is simply show the View in the ApplicationShell on activation the code might look like Figure 3.
The toolbar code is interesting -- Mozilla XUL allows for modern toolbar styles that include both direct activation and child pull-downs.
工具栏代码很有意思,MozillaXUL 支持现代风格的工具栏,既有直接激活的按钮,也有包含下拉子菜单的按钮。
It also holds activation frames for JIT compiled code (with a twist).
It holds the activation records (i.e. stack frames) of native code, and VM code including the interpreter loop function.
它掌握本地代码的活动记录(堆帧stack frames),VM代码包括解释器循环功能。
We can reuse most of the code from the Deep Graphs chapter and get it to work with Transparent Activation.
Choose "Other" if you purchased or received packaged Terminal Server client licenses. Packaged product contains a license Code for use in the license Server Activation Wizard.
Choose "Other" if you purchased or received packaged Terminal Server client licenses. Packaged product contains a license Code for use in the license Server Activation Wizard.