The largest active region seen on the sun since 2005 has rotated to the center of the sun's face, as seen from earth-which means any eruptions it produces will be aimed right at us.
The center, which calls itself "the largest active archive of weather data," gets monthly updates from national weather bureaus around the world.
As a person becomes active and "speaks" (types), their dot moves closer to the center; when their activity ceases, their dot moves closer to the outside over time.
Of course, the hardware and other computing resources of the disaster data center do not need to be idle while the primary data center is active.
Children were kept active for an entire day then ate a large meal before arriving at the la Jolla center for their scans.
After you have successfully installed Active Directory, make sure that the Kerberos key distribution center system services is configured correctly in the services list.
The IBM systems Director Active Energy Manager (AEM) is a tool for monitoring and managing power and thermal usage across systems and facilities within a data center.
IBMSystemsDirectorActiveEnergyManager (AEM)这个工具用于监视和管理数据中心中的系统和设施的电力使用量和热量。
If a VM is removed from the data center and it publishes a socket currently used by a plug saved in the StereoCable active table.
NASA images created by Jesse Allen, using data obtained from the using data provided by the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC).
They found that specific parts of the brain region known as Broca’s area (a well-known speech center in the brain) are active both when listening to and when producing lilted speech.
The catalytic center of an enzyme is composed of a set of amino acids whose three-dimensional arrangement forms the "active-site" that allows them to efficiently bind and modify the substrate.
With other amenities, such as the Wellness Center and the Fortune Club lounge, guests can keep active in the newly built, state-of-the-art gym or enjoy a cocktail or snack in the lounge.
Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.
The hotel boasts a swimming pool, a fitness center, and mini golf driving bay and putting green to keep guests active.
Staying active and fit is not a challenge at Zemi Beach House Resort & Spa, which boasts a 24-hour fitness center.
Chemical modification studies showed that the sulfhydryl, guanido, amino, carboxyl and indolyl groups may participate in the active center of the enzyme.
Kerberos is an integral part of Windows Active Directory implementation, and it is widely used by enterprises as the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for their Kerberos realm.
Leave the talent center, breathe active air does not contact the change rapidly trend, our knowledge will taste like stale, stagnant metamorphism.
Beijing is now making active efforts to set up an SCO activity center, which will serve as a good platform for exchanges under the SCO framework.
According to Harvard, when people do good, their brains becomes active in the very same reward center that is stimulated when they experience other rewards.
'the Commons', a small retail development in the city center, is an attempt to create a new active outdoor space where people can comfortably enjoy it at anytime of the year.
The Center transforms an overgrown, disused location into a dynamic, active destination.
Don Thomas, a geochemist from the University of Hawaii's Center of the Study of Active Volcanoes, said it was just a.
In classrooms with students as the center, it is important to build a harmonious, interactive and active classroom atmosphere.
The concentration of active center increases with the increase of dosage of initiator, so the yield of copolymer increase.
In the center tap sorting and protection promote local civil handicrafts theme took an active part in the civil handicrafts explore collation production and market development work.
The active center lay on the surface of the colloidal particle. The particles were amorphous.
The front part of the brain is much less active; this is the center of our higher level thinking processes like organization and memory.
Catalyst activity was determined by not only specific surface area of catalyst but also the distributions of active center and utilization ratio of internal surface.
Catalyst activity was determined by not only specific surface area of catalyst but also the distributions of active center and utilization ratio of internal surface.