Spicules line the above frame of solar active region 11092 that crossed the sun last month, but are particularly evident converging on the sunspot on the lower left.
Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.
A brief picture of the electric properties is therefore outlined in the near Earth region both in average and solar active conditions.
The main characteristics of the perturbations can be explained by the variations of the ionizing sources which were located in the solar active region.
An active region with a bipolar sunspot is formed when the magnetic flux ring of the sunspot rise to the solar surface from the depth of solar convection zone.
The bright region in the inset box shows magnetic fields that have just emerged from the solar interior, producing a new active region.
The bright region in the inset box shows magnetic fields that have just emerged from the solar interior, producing a new active region.