In case of static functions, the first actual argument of function can be accessed using __arg1.
Selects a member from a list of candidates, and performs type conversion from actual argument type to formal argument type.
Note that when you try to access an argument of a class member function the actual argument count starts from 2 instead of 1.
注意,在访问类成员函数的参数时,实际的参数编号从2而不是从1 开始。
The C language definition does not contemplate the question of procedures whose formal and actual argument lists disagree in number or type.
As a result, this paper draws up a set of operational network program and construction guidelines through theoretical analysis and actual argument.
The second argument references the actual special formula name, and any subsequent arguments are specific to the special formula being invoked.
The excessive risk argument would suggest that the more concentrated the ownership, the smaller would be the actual exposure to earnings and asset risk.
It requires an integer argument, errno, which should be the actual value of the global errno variable.
The second argument to t() — $replace — is used to swap placeholders in the text with actual values.
t() 函数的第二个参数 — $replace —用于用实际值替换文本中的占位符。
Often, you can trace the origin of a bug back to a caller that's sending the wrong type of argument, the wrong number of arguments, or a mismatch between the order of actual and formal arguments.
The third argument is the actual size of the data received, and the fourth argument is the priority of the received message.
The first argument is to set a verification point name that is unique in the project, the second argument is to set an expected object, and the third argument is to set an actual object.
The problem with this line of argument, as the WTO panel noted, was that although China restricted the export of these commodities, it had done nothing to reduce their actual production.
METHODS To apply the basic principle of evidence-based medicine in the actual work and carry on the argument and analyses.
The second element is the name of the originating channel, and the third argument is the actual message payload.
The English ditransitive construction, with actual successful transfer as the central sense, typically implies that the(agent) argument acts to cause transfer of an object to a recipient.
The second element is the name of the originating channel, and the third argument is the actual message payload.
Because the stream's input comes from a character array, there is no actual limit; hence this argument is ignored.
Because the stream's input comes from a character array, there is no actual limit; hence this argument is ignored.