The customized string can contain optional tokens that will be replaced with actual values at run time.
For example, applications can be written to use interfaces with the actual implementations left unspecified until run time.
Have instrumentation on the messaging network to capture run time traffic statistics and reconcile the actual Numbers back to the estimates the development team provided prior to implementation.
Clients that want to exploit the availability of multiple bindings would then have to possess the ability of switching the actual binding to be used based on run-time information.
The actual staff resolution happens at run time, for example, to retrieve the list of potential owners of a human task when the task is started.
If the Actual and DbConv versions at the top of the dialog do not match (for example in picture 512 doesn't equal 577), click the Run Steps icon (this takes a bit of time).
JiBX even supports multiple bindings to the same classes, with the actual binding to be used for a particular XML document selected at run time.
This article describes a generic way to access data using the Open SQL interface in which the actual data to be retrieved from a single table or a number of tables is specified at run time.
In this output, the displayed URL of the node shows the actual host name where the node is run, while the Tuscany run time is installed in the c: \ Tuscany \ tuscany-sca-1.3.1 directory.
在此输出中,所显示的节点URL表明了运行节点的实际主机名称,而tuscany运行时则安装在c: \ tuscany \ tuscany - sca - 1.3.1目录中。
The Apache Wink run time USES the asset class to construct the actual response entity by calling the corresponding method of the asset class.
Multiple constraint technologies typically are required to comprehensively declare the constraints, and to check information at run-time before it is dispatched to the actual service logic.
Even though their actual code and artifacts have not been added to your project, references to the components from your own code will work at run time thanks to Zero's dependency resolution mechanism.
尽管它们实际的代码和工件还没有添加到项目中,但借助于Zero的依赖项解析(dependency resolution)机制,从您自己的代码对这些组件的引用会在运行时工作。
To present a table at run time, you have to supply the actual data in a table model, and then associate that table model with the JTable bean.
为了在运行时显示表格,你必须为表格模型提供实际数据,然后将表格模型和JTable bean相关联。
With Dynamic Assembler, the binding between requester and the actual service provider can be deferred until run time and be dependent upon specific parameters.
Run-time Type Identification (RTTI) allows programs that use pointers or references to base classes to retrieve the actual derived types of the objects to which these pointers or references refer.
At run time, which version of the method will be invoked is based on the type of actual object stored in that reference variable and not on the type of the reference variable.
At run time, which version of the method will be invoked is based on the type of actual object stored in that reference variable and not on the type of the reference variable.