For all uses except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value.
If the actual value of endotoxin in plasma would be measured, both the spiked and unspiked samples should be used.
The actual value will be provided on the first RPG keyed IO operation.
The actual value of OCAPROOT depends on where you installed the OCAP ri binaries.
OCAPROOT的实际值取决于OCAP ri二进制文件的安装位置。
An array of objects containing the actual value of the arguments you want to pass.
The actual value that will be stored is in the ISO 8601 standard format 2007-05-15.
存储的确切值为ISO 8601标准格式的2007-05-15。
A living example shows that the predicting result conforms to the actual value.
Now you can see the overall estimate is much closer (0.971429, for an actual value of 1).
Does the boxed value type have the same address as the actual value type in the object?
You don't have to declare a special variable for it if you don't care about its actual value.
When the expected and actual value don't match, a message is generated explaining what went wrong.
Jeff Green's more likely to return, but he's also set to earn a payday way above his actual value.
Customers relation means the costs paid by enterprises to obtain the actual value of a customer.
The method assert compares an expected value to an actual value for the particular test scenario.
It requires an integer argument, errno, which should be the actual value of the global errno variable.
When we use money today, however, the actual value of the coin itself does not equal its face value.
In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard.
Did Marx not say that, over time, the prices of commodities more or less corresponds to their actual value?
Note that the return value of a get on a Scala Map is not the actual value corresponding to the passed key.
Thereby, the theory proposed in this dissertation is correct and has important theoretical and actual value.
Each assertion creates a constraint object under the hood which evaluates the expected value against the actual value.
Template filters allow you to substitute that variable declaration with an actual value that you establish at runtime.
When you use the actual value in the query, the optimizer will be able to calculate the estimation based on the real value.
The researchers surmised that they were working off the shape and color of the currency, however, rather than its actual value.
When you press the Enter key, the key name is changed to the actual value in the appropriate resource file, as shown in Figure 15.
The importance of never allowing the actual value to exceed the maximum value indicted on the meter can not be overemphasized.
It compares the expected value to the actual value read from the event occurrence data to determine if duplicate events were consolidated.
The optimizer's estimate could be very close to the actual value as long as the data distribution has not changed since the last RUNSTATS.
There is a POID class, a simple wrapper for the POID value, which insulates our APIs from the actual value type (primitive long in this case).
There is a POID class, a simple wrapper for the POID value, which insulates our APIs from the actual value type (primitive long in this case).