Not only do you first need to ACTUALLY meet a woman, approach her, date her for awhile, before you even talk commitment, there is also another issue that arises.
Talk to her for a while and you do begin to wonder whether the words and ideas are actually her own - or whether she's simply parroting her mum's opinions.
Day, in the chi-Tess to inquire about information on the way back and found her virginity destroyed the Ya-lei actually become priests, the endless talk of virtue and morality are sermons.
Thee most incredible part is that Bella is actually able to communicate in these languages, as her knowledge exceeds the vocabulary of simple 'small talk'.
而最不可思议的是,贝拉对这些语言的掌握程度远超过 过“闲聊”的词汇范畴,她能实实在在地使用这些语言来进行交流。
Ah. yes. Okay. well, i wasn't actually gonna tell you this till afterwards, but vanessa called a couple hours ago, And she just wants to talk, So i asked her to meet me for dinner.
Ah. yes. Okay. well, i wasn't actually gonna tell you this till afterwards, but vanessa called a couple hours ago, And she just wants to talk, So i asked her to meet me for dinner.