With linked resources, you can now add links to files inside your project without copying the file into your workspace.
You can choose its runtime target and decide whether to add this project into an EAR file.
Add both the created output jar and wsc-gae.jar file to the lib folder of your project.
将创建的out putjar文件和wsc - gae . jar文件添加到您的项目的lib文件夹。
If you selected the option to add the model to the project properties, the model file is also displayed on the Naming Standard page in the properties view for the project.
Use Visual Studio to create a new Windows-based application called CountryApp by selecting File | new | project (add to the existing solution). Add to the project the reference to CountryList.dll.
使用VisualStudio选择文件|新建|项目(添加到现有的解决方案中)创建新的Windows应用程序,并为项目添加引用CountryList . dll。
Add the changes to your mysql.xsd file and validate the contents by right-clicking the XSD file in the Project Explorer view and then selecting validate.
右击projectExplorer视图中的xsd文件然后选择Validate,来向mysql .xsd文件添加更改,并确认内容。
If you add a file to your project (see Figure 15), it's not automatically part of version control — you need to specifically add it to the repository.
This file is critical for customizing your logging environment, so the first thing you need to do is add it back to the project.
In order for the EJB project to access the newly added utility JAR, you need to add a reference to the JAR in your EJB module's manifest file.
You'll be prompted to add the database file to the project if you like; I selected "No" since I don't need to distribute my database with my project and prefer to just have one copy on my machine.
To add the resource reference to the Web project, open its web.xml file in the References tab in the editor.
If you have all these folders in your project, you're ready to add an Ant build.xml file to run the transformation process.
如果项目中有了所有这些文件夹,那么您已经准备好添加antbuild . xml文件以运行转换过程。
There is a known bug in the build configuration, so you need to add an extra JAR file into the build path for the gateway project.
To see how it works in a Warsaw-based project, we need to add a new dependency to its pom.xml file, as shown in Listing 21.
要了解如何在基于Warsaw的项目中使用Appendix应用,我们需要在该项目的pom . xml文件中添加新的依赖,如清单21所示。
For this to compile successfully, you will need to add the portlet-api.jar file to the project build path.
为了使之成功编译,您需要把portlet -api . jar文件添加到项目构建路径中。
How can I add. Net installation file inside my Setup Project and force it to install first during the installation process?
Click Add project to an EAR and enter an EAR file name that is the same as the project name that you just entered, but with EAR appended.
点击add Project toanEAR并键入一个与您刚才输入的项目名称一样的EAR文件名,但是后面加上EAR。
Because it is a global function, you can use it anywhere in the program, just include the header file and add the implementation file to the project.
This article only shows the steps to add correlation set and event handler. You need to import the draft project interchange file with the prepared business process using the following steps.
An easy way to enable hibernate to communicate with WebSphere Information Integrator is to add a hibernate.properties file to your project.
让hibernate和WebSphereInformation Integrator通信,最简单的办法是在项目中添加一个hibernate . properties文件。
If you are working with a texture or a sound file, you will have to add it to a GameObject that already exists in the Scene or Project.
Specifies the kinds of files that the wizard will add to the new project based on the given file extensions.
Create new file and type a filename in the text box, to create a new class file and add it to the current project.
After you add a manifest file, when you right click the project and chose properties, on the Application TAB you will see that a manifest file is selected in a dropdown to the bottom.
File name, type the path and file name of the file that you want to add to the database project.
When you add an existing file, the file is copied to your project, not added by reference.
For my new test project, if I remove the file reference and add it back again, it goes back to format in point 1, which is the default.
Tasks can perform work such as create a new work item type, add a report, copy a file to the project portal, and configure a security group.
Now you need to add the DLL file (provided by the ONVIF SDK) as a reference to your project.
You can also add an item as a link rather than directly adding the file to your project.