An Adequate Intake (ai) for most women is 2.7 liters or 91 ounces of fluid daily.
An adequate intake of calcium from daily food is essential for strong and healthy bones.
Take fibrin supplements. With an adequate intake of fibrin, people will look 2.5 years younger.
Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke.
Efforts to prevent osteoporosis include adequate intake of calcium, engaging in weight-bearing exercise, and estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).
Adequate intake of essential nutrients such as biotin, lutein, and amino acids, along with important antioxidants, helps to support beautiful hair, skin and nails.
To ensure adequate intake, the guidelines recommend a daily oral supplement with 150? G iodine for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are planning to get pregnant.
为了确保有足够的摄入量,指南建议妊娠期、哺乳期及计划怀孕的妇女每日口服补充150 ?克得碘。
Severe complications from measles can be avoided though supportive care that ensures good nutrition, adequate fluid intake and treatment of dehydration with WHO-recommended oral rehydration solution.
Some PMS symptoms may be relieved by leading a healthy lifestyle: Reduction of caffeine, sugar, and sodium intake and increase of fiber, and adequate rest and sleep.[17]
Breast milk is an adequate source for infants only if the mother's intake is adequate.
只要母亲摄入足够的B12,母乳即是婴儿b 12充分的来源。
With adequate water intake your body will be able to metabolize fat more effectively.
Adequate potassium intake is essential to replace urinary potassium losses.
Before discharge, it is critical that diabetic patients be capable of eating and be relatively free of significant nausea that might lead to emesis and inability to maintain adequate caloric intake.
Adequate zinc and folic acid intake are essential for rapid healing. In addition, nutrients such as DGL licorice, goldenseal have a tradition of helping heal aphthous ulcers.
The Basic Four, the Daily food Guide, and the Exchange System are specific approaches toward planning adequate food intake.
So it is important that adequate levels of calcium, minerals, and protein are included in the feed intake.
While adequate calcium intake is important, daily intakes above 2000 mg are not likely to provide any additional benefit.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the physiological and clinical implications of calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake.
Maintain adequate sleep, breathe more fresh air intake of oxygen can be improved, while the eyes of local massage on the promotion of venous reflux cycle will be helpful.
In rodent models, calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake decreases the risk of developing chronic disease and extends maximum life span.
Spread carbohydrate intake out over the course of the day (i. e. smaller meals and frequent snacks). This keeps blood sugar levels adequate and stable.
Adequate calcium intake is important, but daily intakes above about 2000 mg are not likely to provide any additional benefit.
Methods of early adequate dialysis, reasonable diet, strict control over inter-dialysis period of salt and water intake, too much too quickly to avoid a single dialysis ultrafiltration.
An adequate calcium intake can be achieved by consuming 2-3 serves of dairy foods per day.
Results: The daily intake of energy was adequate, but its sources were unreasonable, the proportion of protein and fat was higher.
Adequate zinc and folic acid intake are essential for rapid healing.
As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food.
As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food.