The purified recombinant major outer-membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia psittaci (Cps) expressed in E. coli was mixed with oil adjuvant.
So how does this amazing adjuvant work?
The value of adjuvant chemotherapy is controversial.
Chemotherapy given in this manner is called adjuvant chemotherapy.
Objective To research the immunologic adjuvant effect of bifidobacterium.
Manufacturers decide whether a product is formulated with or without an adjuvant.
Another method of maintaining antigen persistence is through use of an adjuvant.
Once a lung cancer has been appropriately staged, primary and adjuvant therapeutic planning can commence.
PURPOSE Premenopausal women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy are at risk for amenorrhea.
Squalene by itself is not an adjuvant, but emulsions of squalene with surfactants do enhance the immune response.
Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Colon Cancer: Do Physicians Agree About the Importance of Patient age and Comorbidity?
医生认为II I期结肠癌新辅助化疗的患者年龄和伴随疾病重要吗?
Squalene alone is not an adjuvant, but emulsions of squalene with surfactants enhance the immune response when added to antigens.
Ultimately 454 patients were included in the final comparison of patients who received adjuvant therapy with those who had not.
Dr Fauci said studies in pregnant women should begin in September, as will studies using an immune system booster called an adjuvant.
Not understanding how the oldest adjuvant of all does its stuff was thus becoming both an embarrassment and a barrier to further research.
Short-term and long-term safety evaluation and prediction are important, as is the evaluation of the pharmacokinetics of the adjuvant alone.
A WHO web site on adjuvants in clinical evaluation including adjuvant safety, with a database of clinical trials, will be made available shortly.
Once built, they attached the new hapten molecules to carrier proteins, mixed them with adjuvant, injected the results into mice and waited.
In considering a framework for safety studies of adjuvants, attention was drawn to the limitations of animal models in predicting adjuvant safety.
Finally, there is a chemical cocktail called an adjuvant that helps get the immune system to pay attention to the carrier protein and the haptens.
Other vaccines with the same type of adjuvant as planned for pandemic influenza a (H1N1) vaccines have, however, been licensed in European countries.
而欧洲国家则准许在疫苗中添加佐剂,所添加的佐剂与计划用于甲型h1n 1大流行性流感疫苗的佐剂种类完全一样。
We summarize the recent advances of the cellular and molecular mechanism, the delivery system of antigen and adjuvant of intranasal immunization.
More recently, the emergence of neo-adjuvant chemoradiotherapy has fundamentally changed the management of patients with locally advanced disease.
More commonly found in beauty products such as skin creams, squalene can be used to make an adjuvant, a compound that boosts the body's immune response.
"We got the same antibody reaction as the others, without the adjuvant, " says the head of the company, Alan Shaw, former head of public health at Merck.
CONCLUSION Physical and psychosocial functioning improved significantly after breast cancer treatment, independent of receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy.
Adjuvant safety and the use of preclinical models to assess adjuvant safety were due to be discussed at the WHO conference on adjuvants on 4-8 December 2005.
关于佐剂安全性以及利用临床前期模型评估佐剂安全性的问题已按期在2005年12月4 - 8日举行的WHO佐剂研讨会上进行讨论。
Adjuvant safety and the use of preclinical models to assess adjuvant safety were due to be discussed at the WHO conference on adjuvants on 4-8 December 2005.
关于佐剂安全性以及利用临床前期模型评估佐剂安全性的问题已按期在2005年12月4 - 8日举行的WHO佐剂研讨会上进行讨论。