Administrative means just expediency.
Their means have the project, economy, law and administrative means.
Administrative means follow instructions, so people demand a well-ordered transceiver method.
Administrative means is one of the important means to the international economic disputes settlement.
In the Eleventh Five-Year period, the company's emission reduction is achieved through administrative means.
Besides, the paper proposes to avoid pollution transfer by combining economic means with administrative means.
Protecting IPR through administrative means is an important feature of the enforcement of IPR protection in China.
To bring inflation under control, we should rely mainly on economic and legal measures supplemented by administrative means.
Thirdly, strengthening the guidance, seeking benefits, avoiding disavantages and combining the economic means with administrative means.
The traditional knowledge of Jingdezhen ceramics can still exist in our modern society under the protection through the administrative means.
Land expropriation compensation using administrative means, multiple output compensation as compensation standards is a result of this system.
On the one hand, the institutions should work out by administrative means various rules and regulations so as to standardize the filing of papers.
Instead of using administrative means to avoid scientific decision-making, decision making should meet the objective laws in line with public opinion.
So I suggest that social security tax should be levied from pooling it from enterprises to tax authorities and administrative means should be replaced by law ones.
Strengthening the laws, economic and administrative means of implementation, encouraging the public participation, setting up the regular evaluating and reporting system.
Divided into an administrative means and command means according to the administrative system different from domestic and foreign function of the administrative environment?
But for these problems, China's Property Law and related legislation to make clear that neither, but rather be replaced by administrative means, resulting in a lot of contradictions.
These Laws and regulations on recovery of loss by administrative means Show that our country have made stipulations on the system of recovery of loss by administrative means in principle.
Quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones.
In contrast to regulatory or administrative approaches, market-based instruments such as taxes and tradable permit schemes offer several advantages as a means of achieving environmental objectives.
That means that you have the ability to enter into agreements, add members, and conduct other administrative tasks.
This feature means that you can easily perform administrative duties, such as changing target addresses when moving service providers from one environment to another.
The paper summarizes some comprehensive technical measures and administrative management, coordination means combined with the practice.
An application for administrative license may be filed by means of letter, telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data interchange and email.
The administrative omission that this text inquires only means administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation.
The administrative permission obtained by a person by such illegitimate means as deception and bribery shall be revoked.
This means that a Lotus Notes Administrator or an administrative assistant is not able to recall a message sent by another user, unless that person has access to the user's ID and password.
This means that a Lotus Notes Administrator or an administrative assistant is not able to recall a message sent by another user, unless that person has access to the user's ID and password.