Since its original enactment in 1946, the Administrative Procedure Act has been amended and recodified several times.
Section two holds that the establishment of the administrative procedure act will provide reliable references for the lawsuit.
So, the valuable mode of our administrative procedure act should have a valuable choice, that is, considering administrative efficiency and the private party's right at same time.
Where the person to be punished has failed to present his views within the specified period despite a notification given in pursuance of article 104 of the Administrative Procedure Act.
At present, foreign-related civil law countries the study of the system is more mature, and most countries in uniform, "Administrative Procedure Act" in the system made a more specific provisions.
Thirdly, an administrative act can be withdrawn or is of no force when it violates what kind of procedure.
Article 61 in addition to this Act, the Administrative procedure Code shall apply to the procedure of referendum lawsuits.
Currently there are disagreements among scholars on whether defective act in administrative procedure will lead to definite invalidity of administrative act.
It is well known that the burden of proof for the concrete administrative act rests with the defendant at the administrative procedure.
The mending of administrative act is a minor procedure for remedying defects in administrative acts by administrators within a certain period of time afterwards.
In China, the current administrative procedure system cannot effectively protect the public interests and earnestly supervise abstract administrative act.
In China, the current administrative procedure system cannot effectively protect the public interests and earnestly supervise abstract administrative act.