He was passed over in the selection process for the dean of the admissions office.
-Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount! -Sarah, you work in the admissions office, don't you?
I'm calling from the admissions office at Hampshire College.
James liked his job in the admissions office of a large university.
And you can probably email the admissions office with any questions.
As an assistant in the Admissions Office, I dealt with students, parents, alumni, and faculty.
Also available are admissions leaflets at the postgraduate admissions office, Jinan University.
A member of the Admissions Office will contact you within three working days to confirm receipt.
Intern: Nurse, will you please take them to the admissions office, and make the necessary arrangements?
Intern: : Nurse, will you please take them to the admissions office, and make the necessary arrangements?
The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called "Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation.
If you give your admissions office a call, they can help you find out what your options are directly on campus.
If you come with your friends who interest in our C Program, please inform Admissions office in advance, thanks!
The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called " Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation."
Once home I called the school's Admissions Office and cancelled my enrollment, claiming I would re-enroll at a later date.
When you take the test, have your scores forwarded by the testing service to the UCLA Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Rachel: it's the woman from the hospital admissions office. She says there's a problem with the form. Oh, god, oh god...
Somehow, I was all smiles when I met the people in the admissions office, and they were all so welcoming and supportive of me.
If you do visit Suzhou while considering work and schools for your child, a tour can be arranged through the Admissions Office.
As pressure built up, within days, the provincial student admissions office reversed its earlier decision and offered Li admission to a Henan university.
On April 7, Melvin instructed the UConn admissions office to return applications to candidates recruited by Martin, who had lined up 15 for next semester.
4月7日,马尔文命令康州大学入学部门,将马丁介绍的外国留学生的申请信退回。 马丁已经为下学期招生,15名申请人等待着他的消息。
In one sense, all of you are here today because you were approved by the admissions office of Hamilton to pursue a course of study, which is now over.
Complete the Application form and return to the Admissions Office along with the required information (such as academic records and copies of passport).
Contact the admissions office and let them know of your continued interest in the college and update them on your spring semester grades and activities.
And no matter how anxious you get, resist calling the admissions office pretending to be your child, not realizing that your voice sounds more like a 40-year-old than a 17-year-old.
Stevens worked for a year and a half at the admissions office at an elite liberal arts college, traveling to high schools mainly in the Western U.S. and the East Coast to recruit applicants.
Please download the Application Form from our website or request it from our Admissions Office. Submit the required documents together with the Application Form to the Admissions Office.
Notice: This form can be returned to the International Admissions Office upon completion through either mail, fax or email. It is very important for the decision whether you will be enrolled or not.
备注: 填写完毕后,请立即将本入学申请表通过信函(传真、电邮)发回重庆师范大学外国留学生办公室。
Check with a school's admissions or counseling office before enrolling in a school. Also, make sure that your school is properly accredited by the correct regional agency.
Check with a school's admissions or counseling office before enrolling in a school. Also, make sure that your school is properly accredited by the correct regional agency.