The enraged Screed had to admit defeat, and moved on.
Sometimes, however, even the stoutest Brit has to admit defeat and head indoors.
I'm not used to SWALLOWING MY PRIDE, but I had to admit defeat and congratulate him.
If we too readily admit defeat, it is possible to find we are very close to the right.
The cat wanted to defeat the rats, mice also admit defeat, the two countries should carry up.
Rather than admit defeat, the company wrote software called a defeat device to cheat emissions tests.
Adhere to the two text rule; Admit defeat if you have not received a reply after 12 hours and two texts.
Reversals build slowly. Investors are as stubborn as mules and take a lot of pain before they admit defeat.
Sometimes the difference between heaven and earth in our eyes, bow again and again we have to admit defeat.
But in this case, we simply can not admit defeat, can not bow to fate, not to give up their dreams and pursue.
Their ultimate aim of world control has failed, and they remain reluctant to admit defeat and retire from the scene.
Surrender to happiness, perhaps is to admit defeat, but this failure is more than a thousand times the success of many.
Let us admire your learning, you are, let's admit defeat, your holiday together, let us celebrate! Teacher, happy holidays!
Such convenience of instant noodles and fast performance makes other heating staple convenience only candidly admit defeat.
Many of them lost their jobs during the financial crisis in late 2008, but decided not to go home, not wanting to admit defeat in Beijing.
"After listening to the words of my grandfather, my grandfather's hand pushing admit defeat saying:" do not YouI myself can do to help.
Like a body misfortune has stone shell, the experience of pain, never admit defeat, in the agony and sweat the stones into a radiant pearl.
Nothing creates a false smile quicker than someone who tells jokes that seriously aren't at all funny – and doesn't know when to admit defeat when the crowd aren't responding.
Coach: Lin2 Chao2 Ying, creation reason strong, think some fighting skill to come out, the hyphen call orthodox school of whole true parties of the ancestors all candidly admit defeat.
Coach: Lin2 Chao2 Ying, creation reason strong, think some fighting skill to come out, the hyphen call orthodox school of whole true parties of the ancestors all candidly admit defeat.