Others are interested in the adrenaline rush, but we're interested in the story.
"If I just wanted an adrenaline rush, I could jump out of an aeroplane," he said.
Adrenaline rush. I get a rush when I exercise. Ride that rush to complete the workout.
"Adrenaline rush — the closer I feel to getting killed, the more I love it," Gonzalez said.
With the armorsmith trinket and adrenaline rush there is nothing a priest can do against me.
Try Zorbing! You may have seen it, but I doubt many of you tried it. Creates a huge adrenaline rush.
Young relationships start out with an adrenaline rush. Your heart RACES, you get giddy, you're alert, awake and excited.
Ina: That's too bad. You should have abandoned your theater and joined me in mine. I'm still feeling the adrenaline rush.
Breathing deeply allows your body to fill with oxygen. This will stop the adrenaline rush that floods your body when you are angry.
For those seeking an extra adrenaline rush there will also be a bungee jump - and not just any ordinary one, but the world's highest!
Stipe and Mills agree that splitting up has one big emotional casualty: the pure adrenaline rush the members get from performing live together.
Endris lived for the adrenaline rush that came with outracing a roaring wave, the cold salty spray stinging his face as he barreled underneath the curving white water.
Endris 能活下来是因为肾上腺素激流超过了怒浪的速度,冰冷的咸水刺着他的脸当他在不断起伏的水下像桶一样喝水的时候。
Flying his airplane, unseen and unheard, high above the rugged Afghan mountains, Lt. Col. Christopher Plamp felt a familiar adrenaline rush. The kind he gets in combat.
As much as I love to sink a trick shot alone on a public court, nothing matches the adrenaline rush and communal feeling of joy that I experience when I make a lay-up for my team.
Obviously, it wasn't possible to recreate all aspects of the case, like the adrenaline rush of running after a murder suspect, or the chaos of so many people moving through the same space.
Over lunch, he admitted that when he left office in 2008, he suffered a bout of the blues: without the adrenaline rush of power, it was tough to cope with the endless criticism of his policies.
Both are fine journalists but I venture to suggest their motive for staying on the road, or rather under fire, remains the familiar one: wars confer an adrenaline rush such as no other story matches.
Imagine what might happen if you find a lump in your throat. You might feel a rush of fear and adrenaline as you imagine it's cancer.
Demolitions, noise and speed bring excitement and satisfaction in a similar yet much more tactile manner than the way Hollywood films deliver the rush of adrenaline.
Maybe for the first transactions you’ll have a bit of a rush/adrenaline going on because you aren’t sure of what’s going to happen, but then you are really proud of what you did.
So go bungee jumping or deep sea diving, experience the rush of adrenaline with adventure sports and win it over.
This rush of adrenaline is incredibly addictive . I don't ever want to stop feeling these emotions.
If you have to know what's going on, try watching the news in the morning, when the shot of adrenaline it may trigger will help you do battle with rush hour traffic.
Maybe for the first transactions you'll have a bit of a rush/adrenaline going on because you aren't sure of what's going to happen, but then you are really proud of what you did.
Maybe for the first transactions you'll have a bit of a rush/adrenaline going on because you aren't sure of what's going to happen, but then you are really proud of what you did.