Advance publicity promised that the no-expense-spared epic will cover 5, 000 years of Libyan history.
Much advance publicity was made for the address the Master would deliver on "the Destruction of the World" and a large crowd gathered at the monastery grounds to hear him.
Compared with the traditional way of judge determining the proof, authentication emphasizes the publicity of psychological proof and the advance publicity of mental proof.
Still, he achieved huge publicity (and got to pocket 25,000 francs of the advance), and the idea took on a life of its own.
"In January last year, a Chinese mainland passport only enabled its holders to travel to 52 countries and regions without getting a visa in advance, " said Fan Xuguang, a publicity manager with Ctrip.
Where restrictive road traffic signals are to be added, replaced or renewed, the matter shall be made known to the public in advance and wide publicity shall be made.
A better understanding of delivery, adequate preparation of the scripts and improved language delivery skills will greatly advance program quality and publicity results.
A better understanding of delivery, adequate preparation of the scripts and improved language delivery skills will greatly advance program quality and publicity results.