As an advanced composite material, the 3d braided composite has received more and more attention in foreign countries.
Multifunctional Living Waterci displays the perfect combination of the advanced composite material and traditional ceramic technology.
The aerospace advanced composite material (AACM) was one of important component parts of aerospace high-tech and proved to exert a decisive influence.
Solidtop solid surfaces are an advanced composite of aluminum-tri-hydrate and methyl methacrylate (MMA) developed as a practical material for living.
秀丽台实体面材是一种先进的高分子复合材料,主要成分是甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA )和氢氧化铝填充物。
This paper presents a satellite solar array structure which is mostly made of carbon fibre composite material and is a large advanced satellite component with light weight and high rigidity.
The developing tendency of advanced bulletproof composite material is prospected.
Zhangjiagang City Jiaxin Sheet co., Ltd. mainly manage new metal material including duplex metal composite, solid and liquid composite, advanced metal packaging etc.
Self-lubricating composite which possesses superior antifriction and wear resistance has been one of the central issues for advanced material research.
This paper gives an overview on the new smart materials such as electro-rheological fluids and the ultra-advanced intelligent composite material as well as its principle and future prospects.
Based on research for automatic tape-laying (ATL), a design concept of path generation with the ATL process is advanced for composite material cylinder components.
It was certified that the composite liner made of this material can substitute for the same kind of foreign advanced composite liner.
It was certified that the composite liner made of this material can substitute for the same kind of foreign advanced composite liner.