In modern advanced control systems of coke oven, the control scheme of feedback combined with feed-forward, and control merged with management is widely used.
Pattern recognition methods, capable of advanced decision making without a precise description of the pro-cess model, have been used in many cases to implement advanced control systems.
Some file systems support advanced security features, such as access control lists (ACLs).
These tiers could categorize methods of operation in conjunction with safety improvements such as separation of passenger and freight traffic and advanced train control systems.
Fuel cells: modeling, control, and Applications describes advanced research results on modeling and control designs for fuel cells and their hybrid energy systems.
Silicon furnace automation control systems, with the advanced international level.
Advanced PID has better control effect than general PID for complicated non-linear systems' regulation.
Different advanced urban traffic control systems based on traffic control theory can not meet the need of traffic situation of China.
Recent years, with the introduction of foreign paper-making systems, the control system is particularly important, and QCS system is widely used on every advanced production line.
I also have a dishwasher, a cell phone, wireless Internet and satellite cable service that's so advanced that accidentally sitting on the remote can cause entire air traffic control systems to reset.
Then, an access control model based on organization modeling for enterprise information systems is proposed, the elements are defined and the mechanism for realizing control access is advanced.
Huiguang Company adopts international advanced weighing, measuring and packaging control systems and thereby it basically guarantees absolute reliability and stability.
It is stated that advanced control and diagnostic sensors play a key role in car antipollution devices such as catalytic converters, electronic fuel injection, and exhaust-gas recycle systems.
Networked control systems can be found in industrial automation, building automation, power plant, robot, intelligent vehicle systems, advanced aircraft and spacecraft.
Fuzzy control pinch roll control systems improved control systems qualities, and advanced the robust characteristic of control system.
A newly built central warehouse that year, with its advanced set-up, high-bay racking, and completely equiped with ultra-modern and highly-sophisticated control systems.
Advanced micro-power electronics deliver superior performance, eliminating false alarms and providing a direct linear output for compatibility to existing control systems.
With the application of DCS in automatic control systems for thermal power plant, advanced control strategies have been adopted in thermal processes control.
Academics and practitioners in the document control filing management system mostly emphasize from traditional paper to electronic systems for advanced and improvement processing methodology.
The company has pioneered in the development and production of advanced, state of the art climate control and management systems for POULTRY, HOG, GREENHOUSE and AQUA CULTURE industries.
Therefore, more and more semiconductor factories apply advanced control policies for AMHS systems.
The design of an advanced control system to enhance the power system stability margin so as to achieve higher transfer limits is one of the major problems in the study of power systems.
Adhering to strict and stringent control on rights management and advanced operating systems, Gaopin Images ensure the best industry safety standard of IP protection is attained.
Completing projects in industry automation, computer software, motor control, micro controller application systems, fuzzy control, neural networks and control, and other advanced control techniques.
So, an advanced remote control needs to be able to work with the current systems and components that respond to infrared, as well as with the components in the digital home of the future.
The control systems of the main equipments in a large power plant are advanced, while those of the peripherals are made out of the conventional control instruments using in 1980s.
大型火力发电厂的主设备控制水平先进,而外围设备的控 制水平落后,大多还停留在上世纪80年代常规控制仪表的水 平。
The control systems of the main equipments in a large power plant are advanced, while those of the peripherals are made out of the conventional control instruments using in 1980s.
大型火力发电厂的主设备控制水平先进,而外围设备的控 制水平落后,大多还停留在上世纪80年代常规控制仪表的水 平。