Finally, the advanced student practices self-control.
The lessons are neither too difficult for a beginning student nor too easy for an advanced student.
It is an excellent textbook as far as it goes, but it doesn't include anything to interest the advanced student.
For an advanced student, the best way to become fluent in English is to use these same normal sentences until they can be said correctly with good pronunciation.
Anyone who gets a place on a first degree course, although a student who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not.
Study Circles: These are social networks dedicated for students where they can have areas dedicated to student study topics, placement related queries and advanced research opportunity gathering.
This should allow the student of Aikido to see the relationship between the different steps in the progression from basic to advanced.
Postgraduate student education is the most advanced national education, and the enrollment system of postgraduate student is the important prerequisite of training high quality postgraduate student.
This advanced video class contains a complete set of assignments, and some of the best student projects from the class in the projects section.
Having dealt with advanced mathematics for almost four years, the senior student has found his way to study the course.
First as a returning undergraduate and then as a doctoral student in economics at Harvard, I attended his courses on advanced economic theory and the history of economic thought.
It is reformation of teaching and education to revise the training plan of the advanced professional education. It is an important manifestation for increasing the student basic quality.
The advanced software allows the student to change the control parameters, record results and analyze the results of the difference configurations.
The student examines advanced topics in management accounting as these relate to management information needs for planning, control, and decision making.
The future will be quickly graduates the direct work, will test the graduate student to continue to pursue advanced studies?
An advanced degree may prepare a student to teach in this field, serve as an independent business consultant, or administer services in the nonprofit sector.
This volume will be a reference for researchers and a step-by-step guide for young scientists entering the field and the advanced graduate student.
Chinese needs to show solicitude for life wanting to be advanced life too not only, constructs rich self's inner worlds of student and the cultural life.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, International Student Version, 10th Edition.
I've been working in Shanghai Victoria since 2003, and Victoria's advanced educational concepts and new and unique way teacher-student interaction, I have benefited greatly.
I've been working in Shanghai Victoria since 2003, and Victoria's advanced educational concepts and new and unique way teacher-student interaction, I have benefited greatly.