It can save application development time, so that Banks in the fierce competition will be in an advantage position.
Who can fully excite staff's job enthusiasm, excavate staff's latent energy, who can hold an advantage position in the market competition.
Originally obviously in advantage position left the neighbors have suddenly be on falling ill, and he is very not easy to organize sales network in a collapse.
Comparing with many other candidates for the position, I have a great advantage which is I have studied in Switzerland.
This view may be correct: it has the advantage that the currents are driven by temperature differences that themselves depend on the position of the continents.
In any event, they have a serious intent: to exploit what they believe to be Iran's enhanced position in the world and to use it to their advantage back home.
Turns out though, that I kept finding myself in this position of advantage time and again over the years.
Even if you are not in a position to create an automated test environment, you can still automate data analysis by taking advantage of runtime analysis data saved as ASCII files.
If one parent is firm and the other is too forgiving, the son or daughter will key into that and attempt to manipulate the position to his or her advantage.
If that's your concern, try to turn that seemingly unrelated former position to your advantage by finding a connection to the job you want now.
And that, in turn, should put you in better position to take advantage of the growing local search market.
The deals put Twitter in a strong position to take advantage of the growing possibilities of the real-time Web.
Only Mr Brown, perhaps concerned about his younger opponents’ telegenic advantage, has sounded sceptical (though his position has now softened into something like “we’ll talk about it later”).
One of Britain's most windswept schools has taken advantage of its position on an exposed Cornish headland to reduce its electricity bills by up to 90 per cent.
Even more importantly, the person that steps up and takes advantage of all of the educational opportunities to improve puts themselves in a better lifelong position to succeed.
Benign envy exists if the advantage of the other person is deserved, and motivates people to attain a coveted good or position for themselves.
It reminded Angel that he was somewhat unfairly taking advantage of an accidental position; and he went no further with it.
Sometimes, this is an unearned position, one that's inherited or acquired in ways that take advantage of others. Regardless, you can't just announce you're an elite and become one.
Google is a business and when it can take advantage of its position to make money, it does.
Uncertainty is your key advantage in most negotiations. If your adversary knows what you desire most, your negotiating position is not as strong. Play it close to the vest.
Product differentiation, on one hand make an incumbent keep its competitive advantage, on another hand, make an entrant can find an position to entry.
To take advantage of this growth, Buick leveraged the position it created and started selling lower-end models in the $12, 000 price range.
With some planning, you can be in position to take advantage of the Semantic Web tools which help meet that need.
Our mission is to take advantage of our position to create value for all our constituencies from shareholders to clients.
Our mission is to take advantage of our position to create value for all our constituencies from shareholders to clients.