The police said Mr. Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.
Inharmonious relationships have an adverse effect on productivity.
In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern.
Something transformative is happening in America that is having an adverse effect on American families.
This is not the first study that has pointed out the adverse effect of working overtime.
But the fact is that providing more information that what is needed can have an adverse effect on your website.
There are cases where the change will not impact existing consumers, but some adverse effect may occur.
But both the selection bias and regular-phone-use definition might be expected to mask any adverse effect of phones.
Fortunately, major life stressors that can have an adverse effect on one's running occur only occasionally. Still, goal setting is a helpful tool that keeps our running enjoyable and on track.
The authors suspect that the abrupt change in blood calcium levels after taking a supplement causes the adverse effect, rather than it being related to the total amount of calcium consumed.
Consistent adverse effects reported in smallpox vaccinees have been myopericarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy; the frequency of each adverse effect exceeds what might have occurred by coincidence.
Both studies are the first to look at BPA's reproductive effect in humans. The adverse effect of BPA on the male reproductive system previously had been examined in animal studies only.
The association should be strong in the magnitude of the association (in an epidemiological sense), and in the dose-response relationship of the vaccine with the adverse effect.
According to Bela Raja, child guidance counsellor, one's parenting style, if negative, can have an adverse effect on the psyche of the child even to the point of causing damage.
If the provider starts returning values outside that assumed domain, it will likely have an adverse effect on the existing consumers.
Even when you are exposed, it’s very unlikely you will get an adverse effect. But fear of radiation is very strong.
However, too much garbage collection can and will have an adverse effect on your application's performance.
Improper planning of these features may have adverse effect in performance.
A change to the rights of existing scheme members is sure to have an adverse effect on people on low pay, nearing the end of their careers or already in retirement.
Cigarettes and other tobacco products are thought to have an adverse effect on a woman's fertility due to the toxins released during smoking.
SEO can raise the rank of the website on certain level really, but if be opposite inconsequently, the website undertakes SEO may produce adverse effect to the website.
When the emotions are also evoked, more power, energy and attachment are added. This has an adverse effect on the behavior, judgment and general performance.
The carbon dioxide produced by burning it was recently in the atmosphere. Putting that CO2 back into the air can therefore have no adverse effect on the climate.
If air conditioner fluid, tracheal insulation is bad, can also cause the refrigeration, adverse effect.
Fast food also has an adverse effect on family relationship, as people do not participate in family meals as frequently as before.
Finally it is the adverse effect of television viewing on the lives of so many people that defines it as a serious addiction.
This study is to investigate the effect and adverse effect of Zoledronic acid in the treatment of osseous metastases pain of malignant tumor.
Carbon monoxide is seldom blamed for damage to a smoker's health, even though it has an adverse effect on people of all ages.
Carbon monoxide is seldom blamed for damage to a smoker's health, even though it has an adverse effect on people of all ages.