This is an interesting question: do they solve the moral hazard and adverse selection problem as well as Banks do?
The adverse selection problem, when it comes to borrowers--people who are trying to borrow money -is that if you become a lender -let's say, if you -not talking about becoming a lender.
To solve the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard, accounting is characterized decision usefulness and the validity of contract.
As Andy Maguire of the Boston Consulting Group points out, there is also an adverse-selection problem.
This paper analyzes the adverse selection in E-marketing that resulted from the informational asymmetries of products' quality and probes into resolving approaches about the problem.
The problem of designing an efficient economic contest under dual information asymmetry, i. e. under which agency problems of adverse selection and moral hazard may co exist is explored.
However, with the information asymmetry, when Banks select the price of loan according to the average risk level of borrowers, the problem of adverse selection appears.
In the last part, we analyze the adverse selection and moral hazard problem, and pointed out that Chinese enterprise's cooperation in supply chain have its own characteristics.
In the last part, we analyze the adverse selection and moral hazard problem, and pointed out that Chinese enterprise's cooperation in supply chain have its own characteristics.