Advertising department: ads, shoe type, packaging, tag, bag and so a full set of VI design.
For advertisers interesting in 'Chapter Sponsor' programme, please contact our advertising department for more detailed information.
One such example happened in [the advertising department], with an intern who looked about sixteen coming in regularly in booty shorts.
Since teaming up with Capstone, DGI has also created its own in-house advertising department as well as in-store boutiques to better showcase its products.
The editorial and advertising department feed copy into the mechanical or printing department. The function of this department is to produce the paper.
There are divisions of Sale and Marketing Department, Exhibition design Department, Personnel administration Department, Customer Service Department and Advertising Department.
The advertising department operates much as does the editorial department. It gathers and assembles advertising copy. Advertising is divided into classified and display advertising.
Last year, the company abandoned a proposed advertising pact with Yahoo when the Justice Department said it would file an antitrust lawsuit to block the deal.
The IT department delivers the transaction data and the Marketing Department the advertising ideas.
The firm is currently in negotiations with the US Justice Department about a controversial advertising partnership between itself and one of its competitors, Yahoo!
According to the Peninsula Morning Post, CCTV's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers, preparing for the upcoming "Prime-time Advertising Auction".
In a large hotel the manager coordinates the work of the department heads who supervise housekeeping, advertising and promotion, food services, and the rest of the operation.
Design Department to provide customers with professional design services, designers have many years of professional experience in advertising design.
David discovers that the Advertising Section is part of the Marketing Department.
Even though he no longer heads the company, he gains millions of dollars in profits from the advertising generated about him from the Dreamworks publicity department.
The accounting department began extending its historical records by recording the sales volume for each month along with the advertising dollars for both newspaper ads and TV spots.
Where an advertising operator disseminates a false advertisement, a consumer shall have the right to request the administrative department in charge to impose a penalty.
Art directors in advertising aren't necessarily the head of an art department although the title may suggest it.
Article 3 the advertising supervision and administration organ as mentioned in the present Measures shall refer to the administrative department of industry and commerce at or above the county level.
Do you have at least 6 years of experience in Creative Department in an Advertising Agency?
Department of Advertising design: mainly indoor photo printing, computer engraving, sign making, screen printing sign installation design.
Department of Advertising design: mainly indoor photo printing, computer engraving, sign making, screen printing sign installation design.