When aesthetic enjoyment upgrading to spiritual comfort, you have been a pioneer of fashion.
Appreciation can fully arouse their subjective creativity, can obtain higher aesthetic enjoyment.
Only in this way can we really understand this great article and obtain noble aesthetic enjoyment.
The value of aesthetic was established on the aesthetic enjoyment and came from the human common freedom.
The utility model discloses a cloth art painting which is a cloth paste painting for aesthetic enjoyment.
In these works, artists use very bright colors to give us a sunny, clear and natural fresh aesthetic enjoyment.
Even the cuboid form of the M100 with its superior surface of brushed stainless steel and glass is pure aesthetic enjoyment.
But this aesthetic enjoyment is not come from the paintings themselves, but exists in the communication between viewers and paintings.
In traveling, tourists appreciate beauty, feel its value, produce aesthetic experience, so as to achieve first-degree aesthetic enjoyment.
Art has been regarded to be an integral part in life time, which offers people a kind of high degree aesthetic enjoyment of entertainment.
We provide aesthetic enjoyment for the customers and pay more attention to promote customer's corporate image, help corporations to create value.
Only in this way can the singing and the psychology of creativity more perfect to appreciate those who generate ideas resonate and aesthetic enjoyment of vocal performance to improve.
Although the language of lens has long been recognized as a main actor in a movie, the aesthetic enjoyment brought from each kind of sound factors in the movie cannot be substituted and neglected.
The theme of life through the surrounding material for practical operation exercises, from a practical exercises cultivate critical conservation and aesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of capacity.
How to watch and appreciate sports games, the cultivation of appreciating sports games and so on, can make us obtain enjoyment of beauty and raise our aesthetic cultivation.
The aesthetic value of local records is mainly to give people both beauty enjoyment and aesthetic standards.
On the contrary, there are sparse structure of a dense arrangement, can stimulate the retina to reach the full enjoyment of the visual aesthetic.
Apart from providing sheer enjoyment, music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure.
Apart from providing sheer enjoyment, music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure.