In response the continent's overseeing body, the African Union (AU), recently held a pledging conference.
It just beats Nigeria's Lagos and Abuja and is well ahead of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, seat of the African Union (AU).
If the cash were not forthcoming, the African Union (AU) might take a case to a court of arbitration and ask it to judge overall culpability for climate change.
The man who runs the African Union (AU) spent the morning dealing with events in Tunisia.
The African Union (AU) agreed this week to strengthen its peacekeeping mission in Somalia.
The African Union (AU), which embraces all 53 of Africa’s countries, should also be far more robustly involved.
The EU should strengthen its tiny naval cell that co-ordinates air and sea activity. The UN, along with the African Union (AU), should organise a coast guard to watch Somalia’s shore.
负责向索马里维和部队运送粮食的船只必须得到海军的护送,同 时欧盟应该强化可以协调海空作战的小型作战单位,并且应该联合非盟共同组建守望索马里沿海的海岸警卫队。
It already has 17,000 in Congo and 20,000 more are due to join an existing 6,000-strong African Union (AU) force in Darfur.
在刚果,已驻扎17000名维和士兵。在达尔富尔地区,20000多兵力正预定加入现多达6000人的非洲联盟力量(African Union force)。
It already has 17, 000 in Congo and 20, 000 more are due to join an existing 6, 000-strong African Union (AU) force in Darfur.
在刚果,已驻扎17000名维和士兵。在达尔富尔地区,20000多兵力正预定加入现多达6000人的非洲联盟力量(African Union force)。
A: Initiated by the African Union (AU), the UN Security Council will convene a conference on the Libyan issue in New York on June 15.
The African Union (AU), which embraces all 53 of Africa's countries, should also be far more robustly involved.
The African Union (AU) still has a force of around 5,000 peacekeepers, mostly from Uganda and Burundi, 17 of whom were killed by a Shabab suicide-bomber in September.
The African Union (AU) still has a force of around 5,000 peacekeepers, mostly from Uganda and Burundi, 17 of whom were killed by a Shabab suicide-bomber in September.