The gases are collected in this tube, or after-burner, and are pushed out at high speeds giving it a jet-like thrust.
It all came crashing in around me about 6 months ago after I'd let one too many things for me get shoved to the back burner.
Burner also referred to a recent article in Gskinner that specifically talked about the use uint. The article concluded after a coding test.
With this type of burner, the boiler efficiency of 300mw unit has reached over 93%, while the excess air ratio after economizer is reduced to 1. 15.
After reformatting the former burner, it possesses many good characteristics, such as the enhancement of combustion efficiency, flame stability, etc.
However after a few hours (once the oil burner was out) it was obvious that there was also a damp problem in this part of the hotel.
Or heat a pot of water and drop 3-5 drops of tea tree oil, after removing pot from burner.
一个锅或热油树的水和滴3 - 5滴的茶叶,从锅里取出后燃烧器。
Put other issues on the back burner until after the election.
After regulation, turn the burner off and on again several tomes to check that ignition occurs correctly.
The candles on the burner table didn't burn out after a whole night.
The method of neural network incorporating a prior was given to recognize ignition time after analyzing ignition property of some missile turbojet burner.
In fact when I was critical of that video - it was because I could not see any after burner.
In fact when I was critical of that video - it was because I could not see any after burner.