Thus, high-dose rate after-loading intracavitary therapy can be used to replace conventional radium therapy.
The pivotal techno logies in after-loading system are visualization of medical image, optimization of dose computation calculation, etc.
After loading, the language variants part of the classification taxonomy should be displayed, as shown in Figure 7.
After loading all the configuration parameters and launching, the client is ready to receive and process messages entered by the user.
After loading a configuration file, if the user specified it, I populate the character replacement and bad character arrays with a sensible default.
In general, you want to load the layout with some initial menus and fetch the home content after loading.
After loading the custom class into the JVM, you're then set to run at full speed.
Next up, after image loading and screen configuration, is tracking the application events.
After loading the map, you might want to act upon it, for instance by adding markers.
After loading the goods on board the ship, you must go to the insurance company to have them insured.
After loading the book, you'll notice new resources listed in the TADDM user interface as Web service resources.
After loading the Properties object, you close the input stream, and then set your Boolean flag variable (init) value to true, demarcating that the AddressStore object has been initialized.
After loading the goods on board the ship, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.
After loading the XML table definition "target_xml," the XML output stage is shown as illustrated Figure 18.
装载xml表定义“target _ xml”之后,xml输出stage如图18所示。
After loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.
You will gain more utility and performance improvements from memcached if you use it to store entire blocks of information after loading and formatting.
When this occurs, the context in the Project Explorer will be kept, so you spend less time trying to find your place in the model after loading fragments.
You can build a model of this type by using reflection, after first loading the target program's class files into the JVM.
可以利用反射,在第一次把目标程序的类文件装入 JVM 之后,创建这种类型的模型。
After loading the file, you can view the attributes of the plug-in as shown in Figure 5.
After loading Jackson into an ambulance, Senneff said he saw Murray collecting items from Jackson's bedside.
Pay attention to how the graphs from the tools described above change over time, especially after loading new levels.
UPDATE STATISTICS should be run after initially loading the data and creating indexes.
If you're using MySQL and want to define foreign keys for a table, you'll need to define those fields in code after loading the schema from the database.
You can define a file attribute and have administrators upload the required binaries after loading the plug-in in IBM Workload Deployer.
Fixed a possibility of the loading screen failing to fade out after loading when skipping tutorial.
After loading the fragile things on top of fixed well.
They plunged into the lake, and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy, let the current carry them to the other side.
Plunge into inflatable dinghy They plunged into the lake, and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy, let the current carry them to the other side.
Put all the functions that the calling application needs immediately after loading into one DLL and have the calling application implicitly link to that DLL.
将调用应用程序加载后立即需要的所有函数放在一个DLL 中,并使调用应用程序隐式链接到该 DLL。
Put all the functions that the calling application needs immediately after loading into one DLL and have the calling application implicitly link to that DLL.
将调用应用程序加载后立即需要的所有函数放在一个DLL 中,并使调用应用程序隐式链接到该 DLL。